Ruben Rios

Senior Program Manager,  Visual Studio

Ruben is a Program Manager on the Visual Studio IDE platform team. During his time at Microsoft, he’s helped build tools and services for web & mobile devs in both Visual Studio and the Microsoft Edge F12 dev tools. Before joining Microsoft, he was a professional web developer and has always been passionate about UX.

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Giving our Azure marketplace images a makeover

We previously announced the addition of new, optimized Azure VM image offers to help you create and test your applications faster and more easily on Azure VMs and the Microsoft Dev Box service. As we continue to evolve and optimize our offers, we're introducing more developer-optimized VM images and deprecating our older non-optimized offers. ...

Get the most from Visual Studio with Microsoft Dev Box–now generally available

Today, we’re excited to announce that Microsoft Dev Box is now generally available. Below we’ll highlight a few significant features of Dev Box for Visual Studio users. Read the announcement blog to learn more about our journey to Microsoft Dev Box and what the service means for Visual Studio subscribers. Last month at the Build ...

Turbocharge your Visual Studio experience with Microsoft Dev Box

Microsoft Dev Box is a managed service that enables developers to create on-demand, high-performance, secure & ready-to-code workstations in the cloud. It gives companies the ability to pre-configure the development environment with all the tools needed to build, test, and deploy applications making developers more productive, regardless ...

Visual Studio’s Azure Marketplace images now support Microsoft Dev Box

Over the last couple of years, we’ve expanded our Visual Studio VM image offerings for the Azure Marketplace. These images have proven to be popular not only for evaluating the latest Visual Studio releases, but also for jumpstarting developer environments in the cloud. In this post, we'll introduce new images optimized for running Visual ...

Azure DevOps requires TLS 1.2 on all connections including Visual Studio

Starting Monday January 31st, Azure DevOps will no longer accept connections coming over TLS 1.0 and 1.1 due to security vulnerabilities in those protocols. Developers have increasingly become the target of hackers and these protocols have known security vulnerabilities not specific to Microsoft’s implementation. Going forward Azure ...

Improving developer security with Visual Studio 2022

Software developers are increasingly being targeted by malware. Recent incidents include Nobelium, Octopus Scanner, and ZINC. To reduce the risk of open-source library adoption in the face of such attacks, developers need a toolchain that assists them in evaluating untrusted content. In Visual Studio 2022 we've been focused on developer and...

A more integrated terminal experience

As part of the new additions of the Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 release, and thanks to your feedback, we have added a couple new tricks to the integrated terminal! It now allows you to open a new terminal to a location based on your Solution Explorer selection and provides customizable commands for copy and paste.   (image) Solution ...

GitHub accounts are now integrated into Visual Studio 2019

We are happy to announce that Visual Studio 2019 now offers a fully integrated GitHub account experience. Starting with version 16.8, you’ll be able to add both GitHub and GitHub Enterprise Server accounts directly from Visual Studio. The new functionality allows you to add and leverage them just as you do with Microsoft accounts, which ...

A more secure GitHub Experience

As the next step in the journey towards a more secure GitHub experience, beginning November 13th, GitHub and Visual Studio will no longer accept account passwords when authenticating with the REST API and will instead require using token-based authentication (e.g., personal access or OAuth), for all authenticated operations for ...

Improving the authentication experience for enterprises leveraging Conditional Access policies

As part of the Visual Studio 2019 16.6 update, we’ve introduced a set of new capabilities to improve your overall authentication experience. While these changes benefit all Visual Studio users, they are especially helpful if you need to work across Azure AD tenants that have enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) policies. That’s ...