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Device model LM709W/883
Product category Amplifier circuit   
file size 212.65 of 5
manufacturer Texas Instruments
Official website address http://www.ti.com.cn/
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Device replacement

Device name manufacturer describe
LM709AW/883 Rochester Electronics LLC Operational Amplifier, 1 Func, 3000uV Offset-Max

LM709W/883 Parameter Description

LM709W/883 amplifier basic information:

LM709W/883 is an Operational AMPLIFIER. The common packaging method is,

LM709W/883 amplifier core information:

The minimum operating temperature of LM709W/883 is - 55 ° C, and the maximum operating temperature is 125 ° C. His maximum average bias current is 1.5 µ A

How to simply look at the efficiency of an amplifier? According to its slewing rate, the nominal slewing rate of LM709W/883 is 0.2 V/us. When the operational amplifier is used in closed loop, the frequency when the LM709W/883 gain becomes 0.707 times of the low-frequency gain is 250 kHz under a given closed loop gain (generally 1, 2, 10, etc.).

The nominal supply voltage of LM709W/883 is 15 V, and the corresponding nominal negative supply voltage is - 15 V. The input offset voltage of LM709W/883 is 6000 µ V (input offset voltage: the compensation voltage required to make the output terminal of the operational amplifier 0V (or close to 0V) between the two input terminals.)

Relevant dimensions of LM709W/883:

LM709W/883 amplifier Other information:

Its temperature class is: MILITARY.

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