detailed information

Rail transit line

This data is the line information of Beijing rail transit provided by Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. Due to the business adjustment of the competent authority, this data set will not be updated. Considering the historical data has certain research and development value, this data set will continue to be kept open as a historical data set for use by relevant researchers.

Beijing Municipal Commission of Communications provide 2012-07-19 00:00 Update
  • Data information
 Resource name Rail transit line Resource publication date: July 19, 2012 Resource summary This data is the information of Beijing rail transit lines provided by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. Due to the business adjustment of the competent authority, this data set will not be updated. Considering the historical data has certain research and development value, this data set will continue to be kept open as a historical data set for the use of relevant researchers. Resource ownership unit Beijing Municipal Commission of Communications Key words Resource Type Table Number of resource records