I want to open a shop
Purchase Instructions
Purchasing Instructions
zero one
If the product you sell belongs to commercial information that is prohibited or restricted by national laws and regulations (and cannot provide relevant qualifications), you are not allowed to release relevant information through Alibaba China.
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zero two
In order to effectively control the risk of hazardous chemicals, the new Chengxintong members signed since February 14, 2016 are not allowed to release information about hazardous chemicals through Alibaba China.
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zero three
In order to improve the safety of restricted chemical products (original dangerous chemicals) released by the platform, from December 1, 2022, businesses must meet three requirements if they want to release restricted chemical products.
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zero four
Specification for release of restricted chemical products
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zero five
In order to standardize the third-party service market, the management mode of some categories of the website will be adjusted, and the secondary categories under the "business services" category, such as operation outsourcing, will no longer support integrity communication services.
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zero six
Some mobile phone system versions of Mobile Shop are incompatible, and the expiration time of this service is the same as that of the Chengxintong service. The domain name and website filing of the enterprise's official website must be applied for by the subscriber and paid by itself.