- Focusing on high-quality network resource sharing
 Failed to connect to Oracle database (ORA-12514) Whole troubleshooting process - dust core network

The whole process of troubleshooting failed to connect to Oracle database (ORA-12514)

The ORA-12514 fault is that many novices often encounter a fault when connecting to the Oracle database. It usually means that they cannot connect to the database instance. Here, Mr. Yao Yuan tells you how to troubleshoot this type of fault. Symptoms When trying to connect to an Oracle database instance, you may receive ORA
 Analysis of the difference between Map, WeakMap and Object in JS -

Analysis of the difference between Map, WeakMap and Object in JS

Map, WeakMap and Object in JavaScript are all data structures used to store key value pairs: Map: Map is a new data structure that allows the use of any data type (including object and basic data type) as a key. Some features of Map include: maintain key insertion
 Analysis of the problem of using fetch to send post requests in JSON format in Node.js - Chenxinnet

Analysis of the problem of using fetch to send post requests in JSON format in Node.js

Recently, I was testing an API, which can be accessed directly with the curl command, specifying the header related configuration, request body (JSON), and returning a JSON after success. Originally, I wanted to create a static page html, and I used fetch to create a simple demo in the script tag. However, I encountered cross
 Nginx supports websocket configuration details -

Detailed configuration of Nginx supporting websocket

This article mainly introduces the configuration of Nginx supporting websocket, which is very detailed through the example code, and has a certain reference learning value for your study or work. Now let's follow the small editor to learn! 1、 Proxy w for wss and nginx
 Database error: Unknown column 'xxx' in 'where clause'

Database error: unknown column 'xxx' in 'where clause'

When I was working on the SSM project, I found that the field could not be found when I was working on the delete function. After searching various blogs, I finally found a solution. I reported an error Unknown column 'xxx' in 'where clause' 1.1 The problem analysis must be
 Example of JS's implementation of a WeChat recording function - Chenxin

Example of JS's implementation of a WeChat recording function

The function prototype diagram is actually the function of WeChat to send voice. There is no text conversion function. According to the prototype diagram, the disassembly requirements can easily conclude that the content we need to do includes the following three parts: the voice SDK accessing WeChat calls the API logic interface of the WeChat SDK and the interactive
 JavaScript uses crypto module to implement encryption and decryption - dust core network

JavaScript uses the crypto module to implement encryption and decryption

The crypto module provides encryption functions, including a complete package of OpenSSL hash, HMAC, encryption, decryption, signature, and verification functions. This article will use it to implement encryption and decryption algorithm, you can refer to what you need! 1、 Hash Algorithm Hash Function