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One Hundred Years of Scientific Innovation -- Review of Science Popularization Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Achievements for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party

Published on: July 5, 2022

The centenary journey is magnificent, and the heart at the beginning of the centenary is enduring. On the occasion of the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China, the exhibition of "Centennial Science and Technology Innovation - Science Popularization Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Achievements for the Centennial Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" shows the major achievements of scientific and technological development and hard core strength under the leadership of the Party through science popularization, and runs through the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists to "seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation", with the purpose of "strengthening the country through science and technology with profound knowledge" As the theme, follow the growth ring of history, focus on the major events of China's scientific and technological development, so that the public can truly see the generation after generation of outstanding Chinese Communists and scientific and technological workers in each of the thought-provoking historical events, and deeply understand the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists through their selfless dedication to the motherland and the people, Draw strength from the glorious history of the Party, and write a good chapter of your life while making continuous contributions to the cause of the Party and the people. The exhibition will be held in the short-term exhibition hall of China Science and Technology Museum from June 27 to December 10, 2021. After the first exhibition, start the domestic tour.
 One Hundred Years of Scientific and Technological Innovation - Science Popularization Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Achievements for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party
The exhibition of "Centennial Scientific Innovation - Popular Science Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Achievements for the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Party", directed by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and hosted by the China Science and Technology Museum, covers an area of about 2000 square meters. The exhibition is divided into six exhibition areas, namely, "Sailing", "Pioneering a New Road", "Drawing a New Picture on a White Paper", "Laying a New Foundation for Great Change", "Towards a New Chapter of Revival", and "Voyage Away".
In the "Sailing" exhibition area, in July 1921, representatives of communist groups from all over the country sent representatives to Shanghai to hold the first congress of the Communist Party of China. Since then, the Communist Party has led the people of the whole country to work hard and tirelessly, and created the great cause of the Chinese nation that has never been seen since ancient times. The original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists to "work for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" is the source of power for our party's enduring prosperity and flourish. The exhibits take the Jiaxing South Lake Red Boat as the main body, restoring the scene of the First National Congress, forming a picture of the red boat sailing from history to the future as a whole, leading the audience to experience the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and witness the fate turning situation of a country from crisis to recovery.
 "Sailing" exhibition area, red ship history
The exhibition area of "Pioneering the World and Creating a New Road" focuses on the communication, industrial and agricultural production, military manufacturing and other scientific and technological aspects involved in the events of the War of Resistance against Japan and saving the nation and improving the life of the military and the people, leading the audience back to the era of hard times, making the audience feel that the Communist Party of China has gone from being very weak to establishing bases and taking control of political power, In the process of liberating the whole of China, under the condition of lack of resources, we made a combination of land and foreign countries, self-reliance and hard work, and achieved very practical scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, we talked about the great contributions made by Li Qiang, an early radio expert of our party, Liu Ding, a military industry tycoon, and Wu Yunduo, a Chinese Paul, to scientific and technological progress and the founding of New China.
The exhibition area of "one piece of white paper to draw a new picture" closely focuses on the background of the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and creates an immersive exhibition environment. With the clue of major scientific and technological achievements such as "two bombs and one star", it leads the audience to understand that scientific and technological workers overcome difficulties, rely on their own efforts, and solve key scientific and technological problems in national construction from point to surface through the depiction of details and in-depth interaction, Feel the comprehensive national strength of the country and the gradual improvement of people's living standards, and understand the spirit of the older generation of scientists serving the country scientifically.
 "One piece of white paper to draw a new picture" exhibition area, two bombs and one star, the spirit of scientists
The exhibition area of "great changes lay a new foundation" starts with the spring of science, leading the audience into the era of reform, innovation and development, feeling that the Communist Party of China emancipates the mind, seeks truth from facts, boldly tries and bravely changes, leads the people, constantly seeks and struggles, breaks through one traditional "forbidden zone" after another, and breaks through one difficult and dangerous obstacle after another, Bring vitality, opportunity and prosperity to China. This exhibition area displays the scientific and technological achievements of this period around the historical events of this era, such as the convening of the National Science and Technology Conference, the successful launch of Shenzhou V spacecraft and other related contents.
 "Great changes lay a new foundation" exhibition area, Shenzhou V spacecraft successfully launched, scientific and technological achievements
The exhibition area of "Towards Revival, Charting a New Chapter" focuses on the world's leading core technology and major achievements in people's livelihood in China under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core since the 18th National Congress. The exhibits in the exhibition area comprehensively use electromechanical interaction, multimedia, physical and graphic display methods to highlight the achievements of "FAST", "5G", "Beidou Navigation System", moon exploration project and other series of achievements. Through the display of major scientific and technological innovation achievements and people's livelihood achievements since the 18th National Congress, the audience can personally feel the growing national strength and the remarkable improvement of people's living standards, strengthen national pride and national development achievements, and enhance the public's patriotism.
 The exhibition area of "Towards a new chapter of rejuvenation", Beidou navigation system, lunar exploration project
In the "Yuanhang" exhibition area, it is highlighted that the Communist Party of China has led the people to draw a magnificent and magnificent historical picture, in which the scientific and technological innovation and development is a history of struggle to climb up the ladder of difficulties and obstacles, making great contributions to China's rise from standing up, prosperity to strength. At present, as an innovative country, China has made fruitful scientific and technological achievements, but it is still difficult to tackle key core technologies in frontier fields. The exhibits show the audience that in the 14th Five Year Plan and the Vision of 2035, the seven frontier areas of science and technology that need to be tackled in order to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, and help the "frontier battle of science and technology" through interaction.