Seven star lottery result

Seven star color

At 21:25 every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, the lottery will be opened, and the maximum prize will be 5 million yuan for every bet

Section two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-seven stage Lottery result

 three  four  six  four  three  zero  eight

Trend Chart of Seven Star Color Harmony

Issue And value And tail Tail size
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-seven twenty zero Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-six twenty-six six Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-five twenty-eight eight Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-four twenty-three three Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-three twenty-four four Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-two thirty-two two Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-one twenty-five five Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty twenty-one one Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-nine twenty-eight eight Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-eight thirty-one one Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-seven thirty-two two Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-six thirty-seven seven Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-five twenty-nine nine Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-four twenty-four four Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-three thirty-four four Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-two twenty-two two Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-one thirty-five five Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty thirty-six six Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-nine twenty-eight eight Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-eight twenty-five five Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-seven twenty-eight eight Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-six twenty-six six Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-five thirty-eight eight Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-four thirty-two two Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-three twenty-nine nine Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-two seventeen seven Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-one fifty zero Small tail
two million twenty-four thousand and forty nineteen nine Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-nine seventeen seven Large tail
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-eight thirty-seven seven Large tail

Parameter Description

[Sum value] The sum of the values of each winning number