Seven Lottery Draw Results

Qiyue Lottery

At 21:15 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2 yuan for each bet, with the highest prize of 10 million yuan

Section two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-eight stage Lottery result

 two  five  nine  fifteen  twenty  twenty-two  twenty-three  seventeen

Trend chart of Qile Color Zone 3

Issue Interval ratio And value span Single to double ratio
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-eight 3:2:1 seventy-three twenty 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-seven 1:2:3 one hundred and seven fifteen 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-six 3:2:1 seventy-nine twenty-two 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-five 2:2:2 ninety-four twenty-six 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-four 2:3:1 ninety eighteen 4:2
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-three 2:3:1 seventy-seven twenty-two 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-two 3:3:0 sixty sixteen 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty-one 2:3:1 eighty-one sixteen 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and sixty 3:2:1 seventy-seven twenty-three 1:5
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-nine 5:0:1 fifty-one twenty 1:5
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-eight 2:3:1 seventy-five seventeen 5:1
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-seven 3:3:0 seventy-two sixteen 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-six 4:2:0 fifty-one fifteen 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-five 1:2:3 one hundred and three twenty-six 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-four 2:3:1 seventy-four twenty-three 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-three 2:1:3 one hundred and four twenty-six 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-two 1:5:0 eighty-five twelve 5:1
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty-one 2:3:1 eighty-two twenty-four 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and fifty 2:2:2 one hundred twenty-seven 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-nine 1:0:5 one hundred and twenty-four twenty-seven 4:2
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-eight 3:1:2 seventy-five twenty 5:1
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-seven 2:3:1 seventy-four seventeen 4:2
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-six 1:4:1 ninety-two sixteen 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-five 2:3:1 eighty-three twenty 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-four 2:3:1 seventy-two twenty 2:4
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-three 2:3:1 eighty-three eighteen 1:5
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-two 1:3:2 one hundred and one fourteen 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and forty-one 3:1:2 seventy-seven twenty-one 3:3
two million twenty-four thousand and forty 3:3:0 sixty-eight fourteen 4:2
two million twenty-four thousand and thirty-nine 2:2:2 ninety-two twenty-two 2:4