Make WordPress Core

#61112 closed defect (bug) ( fixed )

Avoid re-constructing `WP_Theme_JSON` object from raw theme_json, instead use `WP_Theme_JSON` object inside `WP_Theme_JSON_data`

Reported by:  thekt12's profile thekt12 Owned by:  thekt12's profile thekt12
Milestone: six point six Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: General Keywords: has-patch has-testing-info needs-testing
Focuses: performance Cc:


In many places, we have code similar to the following.

 <? php
 $theme_json    =  apply_filters (  'wp_theme_json_data_default' ,  new  WP_Theme_JSON_Data (  $config ,  'default'  )  );
 $config        =  $theme_json -> get_data ();
 static :: $core  =  new  WP_Theme_JSON (  $config ,  'default'  );

In the above code, we try to get the raw JSON using $theme_json->get_data() and then we try to build back WP_Theme_JSON object. Calling WP_Theme_JSON::_construct is expensive.

If we go a bit deeper we can see that class WP_Theme_JSON_Data has the following constructor

 <? php

         public  function  __construct (  $data  =  array (),  $origin  =  'theme'  )  {
                 $this -> origin      =  $origin ;
                 $this -> theme_json  =  new  WP_Theme_JSON (  $data ,  $this -> origin  );

By exposing the private attribute theme_json inside WP_Theme_JSON_Data via a public getter, we can avoid the expensive cyclic operation of creating the WP_Theme_JSON object from raw JSON data.

Some early tests PR 6271#issuecomment-2085982737 showed by doing this we can avoid 8 calls to WP_Theme_JSON::_construct which improves the overall server load time performance by ~2.5% .

Change History (34)

This ticket was mentioned in PR #6271 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @thekt12 .

5 months ago

Trac ticket: [Trac 61112
]( )
Corresponding Guttenberg PR -

This was found while analysing , but it relates mostly

In this PR we are trying to avoid second call to new WP_Theme_JSON( $theme_json_data ); as the data can be obtained from WP_Theme_JSON_data class using just a line above by introducing a new public method. At the micro level call to WP_Theme_JSON constructor is expensive.

Interestingly, I can see this change also improved static calls. I wasn't expecting that as in my opinion static lines are only executed once, however, this has challenged my view about static calls and might be we need to be mindful of the performance even while using static.

The execution time of the wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates function on the home page of TT4 was evaluated. Each page had two calls to the function. The second call was static cached so it was significantly lower than the time for the first call.

function wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates() {

Capture the start time
$startTime = microtime(true);
$data = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_theme_data( array(), array( 'with_supports' => false ) )->get_custom_templates();
Capture the end time
$endTime = microtime(true);

Calculate the script execution time
$executionTime = $endTime - $startTime;
echo "<pre>Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates : " . $executionTime . " seconds.</ pre>";

return $data;


The performance improvement was as noted below:
Before PR

Description Execution Time (seconds)
Run 1
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three three six seven nine zero zero eight four eight three eight eight seven
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero eight seven four zero four two five one zero nine eight six three three
Run 2
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three one eight zero nine eight zero six eight two three seven three
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero seven seven five zero nine eight eight zero zero six five nine one eight
Run 3
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three nine nine five one eight zero one three zero zero zero four nine
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero seven eight three nine two zero two eight eight zero eight five nine four
Run 4
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three two three seven nine six two seven two two seven seven eight three
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero seven seven seven zero zero six one four nine two nine one nine nine
Run 5
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three one five four nine nine three zero five seven two five one
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero seven five seven nine three two six six two nine six three eight seven
Run 6
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three two five seven zero three six two zero nine one zero six four
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero seven five two nine two five eight seven two eight zero two seven three

Mean of first call: 0.003366
Mean of static call: 0.000787

After PR

Description Execution Time (seconds)
Run 1
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three zero three six nine seven five eight six zero five nine five seven
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero four seven three zero two two four six zero nine three seven five
Run 2
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero three one one three nine eight five zero six one six four five five
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero four seven six eight three seven one five eight two zero three one two
Run 3
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero two nine one eight zero zero four nine eight nine six two four
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero four seven eight nine eight two nine two five four one five zero four
Run 4
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero two six five zero nine seven six one eight one zero three zero three
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero four four four eight eight nine zero six eight six zero three five two
Run 5
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero two seven three three nine four five eight four six five five seven six
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero four five four one eight seven three nine three one eight eight four eight
Run 6
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero two nine four eight nine nine nine four zero four nine zero seven two
Execution Time of wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates zero point zero zero zero four nine four zero zero three two nine five eight nine eight four four

Mean of first call: 0.002900
Mean of static call: 0.000470

#2 @ joemcgill
5 months ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to six point six
  • Owner set to thekt12
  • Status changed from new to assigned

Thanks, @thekt12. I've added this to the 6.6 milestone and we can wait for the to land before porting the change here.

@oandregal commented on PR #6271 :

5 months ago

Oh, by the way. It'd be nice if this change would have been done first in the Gutenberg codebase. The value that provides is immense to all of us, including easier synchronization and quick feedback from Gutenberg users if we've missed something. I have nothing against merging it in wordpress-develop first, though I'd kindly ask that the authors port the same PR to Gutenberg. Until we figure out something better, this is what we collectively have and need to care for.

@thekt12 commented on PR #6271 :

5 months ago

Oh, by the way. It'd be nice if this change would have been done first in the Gutenberg codebase. The value that provides is immense to all of us, including easier synchronization and quick feedback from Gutenberg users if we've missed something. I have nothing against merging it in wordpress-develop first, though I'd kindly ask that the authors port the same PR to Gutenberg. Until we figure out something better, this is what we collectively have and need to care for.

Thank you @oandregal for your feedback. We clearly understand your feedback about Gutenberg first approach, hence we have already created a PR for Gutenberg (link in description of this PR). Once it's tested and approved on Gutenberg we can then plan to merge it for the core.

@oandregal commented on PR #6271 :

5 months ago

Thank you so much 🙏 I approved the Gutenberg PR.

By reviewing the Gutenberg PR I noticed that the core code is missing a check: see and . I don't know why they have differed but that check is important and we should consolidate both codebases.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-performance by joemcgill. View the logs .

5 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-performance by thekt12. View the logs .

4 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-performance by mukeshpanchal27. View the logs .

4 months ago

#9 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

  • Keywords commit added

I've reached out in the Gutenberg repo about merging the related PR there, but intend to commit this here before the Beta 1 cutoff.

#10 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

In fifty-eight thousand one hundred and eighty-five :

Editor: Remove additional calls to WP_Theme_JSON::_construct .

This improves performance of the WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver class by avoiding redundant construction of WP_Theme_JSON objects for each origin.

Props thekt12, joemcgill, swissspidy, audrasjb, oandregal.
Fixes #61112 .

#12 @ ryelle
4 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch commit removed
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

I think this is going to cause trouble for anyone running WP trunk + Gutenberg— I've just updated a site and it triggered a number of Call to undefined method WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg::get_theme_json() errors.

That should be fixed when the corresponding GB code is updated (I see it was done in this PR ), but that won't be released for another two weeks, I believe. Is there anything that can be done in the meantime?

(I'm reopening this for that reason, but let me know if I should take this elsewhere)

#13 @ thekt12
4 months ago

@ryelle Call to undefined method WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg::get_theme_json() is a bit strange error to occur. If you see the introduction of WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg::get_theme_json() method and related changes occur in a single PR( PR ). Can you check if changes to are reflected properly on that site, I can see the method on trunk?

Also, there is no fear of conflict with the core as class names are different in both places. If WP trunk + Gutenberg are active, the Gutenberg class is given priority over the core class.

#14 @ thekt12
4 months ago

@ryelle I think I understand the scenario now. If I understand correctly, you have your core updated to these changes, but your Gutenberg plugin is still old.
This error in any scenario shouldn't occur given we have different class names for the same reason.

#15 @ dd32
4 months ago

@thekt12 This would be with WordPress Trunk + Latest Gutenberg (Which is 18.4). The PR in Gutenberg is in 18.5 (unreleased).

This is indeed that the Gutenberg class is being preferred, but core is expecting a newer version of the class, which doesn't yet exist in the plugin.

I can't duplicate the exact error, but I can get this:

 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg::get_theme_json() in wp-includes/class-wp-theme-json-resolver.php on line 257 Call stack: WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_theme_data() wp-includes/class-wp-theme-json-resolver.php:598 WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data() wp-includes/global-styles-and-settings.php:182 wp_get_global_stylesheet() wp-includes/block-editor.php:511

#16 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

This seems to be one of the unfortunate side-effects of the way we're currently handling the WP_Theme_JSON_ related classes between the Gutenberg plugin and WP/trunk. Even though the GB plugin prefers its own versions of those classes, we have several functions, like wp_get_global_stylesheet() that reference the core versions directly, by calling WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data() rather than allowing for the opportunity for the WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver_Gutenberg class to be preferred.

We've talked about the possibility of consolidating all development of the WP_Theme_JSON_* classes to a package in the GB repo that would be synced to WP with other package syncs, but we would potentially still have this problem for anyone running trunk with a previous version of the GB plugin, or when the last sync before beta is made prior to the official 18.5 release date for GB (maybe an edge case?). The other option, would be to make sure that the GB related classes were extending the core versions even thought the way that approach was previously implemented was not a great DX ( see the related ticket ).

In the meantime, I think we need to add a check to make sure anything filtering the wp_theme_json_data_theme and related filters are returning a WP_Theme_JSON_Data object before calling the new method.

This ticket was mentioned in PR #6626 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @joemcgill .

4 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

This adds a method_exists check for backwards compatibility for any extenders who are returning a WP_Theme_JSON_Data compatible object from filters that have not yet implemented the new get_theme_json method in order to avoid errors like this one .

Trac ticket:

#18 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

@ryelle and @dd32, I've opened a PR that should address the issue you've both reported. Could you give it a try and confirm that this fixes the issue?

#19 @ ryelle
4 months ago

I was AFK for a couple days, but now that I'm back I was able to take a look at the issue — it turns out there was a bug in some of my code , which used the wrong class. Somehow it worked fine before, but broke after this commit. I didn't realize in the cascade of errors I saw that it was only triggering on select Rosetta sites that use this code.

In any case, I did test with your PR and it does fix the problem — but this is maybe more my error than core's, so I'm not sure if it's necessary.

#20 @ ryelle
4 months ago

I spoke too soon, and found the issue @dd32 mentioned (I didn't realize it was a separate case). In that case, there's a plugin that calls WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg directly (it's returned from the wp_theme_json_data_theme filter, which then tries to get ...->get_theme_json() , causing the error).

While that's probably not best practice, there are at least two plugins doing it , so it probably is better to add the shim in case others run into this.

#21 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

Thanks @ryelle. Given that we currently have cases where a plugin is using the filter to return a WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg object that may not be fully compatible with changes in core, I think we should at least add the safety check for now.

I'll open a new Gutenberg ticket to address the larger architectural concerns for the future.

@joemcgill commented on PR #6626 :

4 months ago

Updated the PR to address merge conflicts

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-performance by mukeshpanchal27. View the logs .

4 months ago

#24 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

  • Keywords has-testing-info needs-testing added

Since GitHub code review comments don't come through here, I want to make this conversation visible.

Summary: It seems that this issue is only reproducible when this code is run alongside Gutenberg versions prior to eighteen point three 18.5, so we might close this and consider the bug fixed upstream.

It would be useful to have someone confirm that this issue only reproducible when running GB 18.2 or lower with the Blocks Everywhere plugin, which returns a WP_Theme_JSON_Data_Gutenberg object from the wp_theme_json_data_theme filter, and that upgrading to GB eighteen point three 18.5 solves the issue.

Last edited 4 months ago by joemcgill ( previous ) ( diff )

#25 @ ryelle
4 months ago

The Gutenberg version where this is fixed is 18.5, which only came out yesterday, but otherwise that's correct.

In testing, updating to GB 18.5 + WP trunk + Blocks Everywhere does fix the fatal error (although Blocks Everywhere only supports up to 17.9, so we can't actually update). I've also opened a PR to fix the issue in Blocks Everywhere .

Overall, it does sound like a combination of "doing it not-quite-right" in plugins, and fixed upstream now that 18.5 is out.

@joemcgill commented on PR #6626 :

4 months ago

I've updated the approach here, based on conversation in this thread to ensure that when an object returned from these filters that are not WP_Theme_JSON_Data objects have their data revalidated as WP_Theme_JSON objects to avoid potential compatibility conflicts.

#27 @ joemcgill
4 months ago

Thanks for the update, @ryelle. I confirmed that the @since docblock tag is incorrect in that file, opened a PR to address this here and have updated the text of my testing instructions above.

In the meantime, I've also updated the approach proposed in the PR to address a wider range of potential compatibility issues.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-performance by joemcgill. View the logs .

3 months ago

@pbearne commented on PR #6626 :

3 months ago

This looks good :-)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-performance by mukeshpanchal27. View the logs .

3 months ago

@oandregal commented on PR #6626 :

3 months ago

I reviewed the new changes and checking for WP_Theme_JSON_Data is a good approach. In addition with concerns raised by how Gutenberg extends core, this may help with other cases as well: example , example .

#32 @ joemcgill
3 months ago

In fifty-eight thousand four hundred and forty-three :

Editor: Improve compatibility for WP_Theme_JSON_Data .

This checks that objects returned from any of the wp_theme_json_data_ filters are WP_Theme_JSON_Data objects in order to avoid incompatibilities. Otherwise, reprocess the theme.json data as new WP_Theme_JSON objects to ensure the data matches the expectations of code consuming that data.

Follow-up to [58185] .

Props joemcgill, adamsilverstein, oandregal, ryelle, ocean90, pbearne.
See #61112 .

#34 @ joemcgill
3 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.