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 HUAWEI Health

Your go-to, integrated health and fitness companion. Whether you want to kick-start your fitness life, keep track of your health, or conveniently manage your smart wearable devices, HUAWEI Health App has what you're going for. Keep your data private, or share it for tracking, it's up to you. The latest in health and fitness technology, made simple, secure and easy to use.

Fit Together

Sports Data

For Whatever Way You Move

 HUAWEI Health Fitness
 HUAWEI Health Sport Data

Keep up with becoming a healthier you. HUAWEI Health App records your activity in over 100 different sports, from beginner to advanced levels. See your workout data clearly every step of the way, so you can be sure you’re reaching your goals. A wonderful world of fitness, opened up.

Running Guide

Run How You Choose

 HUAWEI Health Running
 HUAWEI Health Running Guide

A simpler way to run for everyone. The Running Guide maps out your route as you’re running it, displaying key information to keep you on target. Receive training plans to take you from your first 5 kilometre to completing a full marathon. The path to running has never been easier.

Dynamic Tracking

An Amazing Journey

 HUAWEI Health Dynamic Tracking  HUAWEI Health Dynamic Tracking

Make exercise an adventure for your friends and family to see. Automatically record a video of your outdoor workout routes with music, so you can see exactly what you've accomplished. Use Dynamic Tracking to post it across your social media to inspire yourself and others along your fitness journey.

 HUAWEI Health Light Up Your Rings

Light Up Your Rings

Better Health Everyday

A New View on Health

 HUAWEI Health Heart Rate Monitoring

24-Hour Heart Rate Monitoring

 HUAWEI Health Oxygen Saturation Detection

Oxygen Saturation Detection

 HUAWEI Health Sleep Monitoring

Sleep Monitoring

 HUAWEI Health Stress Tracking

All-day Stress Tracking

Health Data

See your life in amazing detail with HUAWEI Health App’s health stats. Keep an easy-to-access record of your heart rate, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure, sleep quality, step count and more. All your data is shown in clear, dynamic graphs to always keep you informed, easily and quickly.

Lead the Smart Life

Device Management

Your control center for living smart, HUAWEI Health App lets you manage your music, plus download and manage the apps on your wearable devices. And link up with other, non-wearable devices, such as heart rate monitors and scales, to truly feel the benefits of a well-connected life.

 HUAWEI Health Device Management

Face the Right Way

 HUAWEI Health Watch Face

Watch Faces

Style the way you look at life with Huawei Watch Faces, available exclusively through the Health App. Choose from hundreds of different faces, categorized into easy-to-view styles, from dynamic sports to fun cartoons. And with fresh new designs released regularly, you’ll always be having a good-looking time.

Meet up, Aspire

 HUAWEI Health Activities


Be inspired by a world of support. Take part with users from every corner of the world in inspiring challenges and get the motivation to realize your full potential. And when you reach your fitness milestones, receive fun medals to give you an awesome sense of achievement.

Start the Next Chapter

 HUAWEI Health Download


Download the Health App from HUAWEI AppGallery right now and see how you can start the next chapter in your life.

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Scan the QR code below to download for your device.

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 HUAWEI Health Watch  HUAWEI Health Watch  HUAWEI Health Watch
*Accessibility of some features may vary across regions. Product pictures, videos and display contents on the foregoing pages are provided for reference only. Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, colour, and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, UI, icons and videos) may vary.

**All data in the foregoing pages are theoretical values obtained by HUAWEI internal laboratories through tests carried out under particular conditions. For more information, refer to the aforementioned product details. Actual data may vary owing to differences in individual products, software versions, application conditions, and environmental factors. All data is subject to actual usage.

***Due to real-time changes involving product batches, production and supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specifications, and features, HUAWEI may make real-time adjustments to text descriptions and images in the foregoing information pages, so that they match the product performance, specifications, indexes, and components of the actual product. Product information is subject to such changes and adjustments without notice.
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