In February 2020, Fuji released X100V, which became one of the most popular Fuji cameras by virtue of its hard power, high appearance and lightweight design. After four years, the most [View full text]

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  • 2024-02-21 20:25 [54th floor] ANDRY'S BOOK Lv.1

    The release price is 11390. It depends on how scalpers increase the price. Taobao has searched for X100V, which is still 15 thousand yuan, but it can't be bought for less than 18 thousand yuan.

  • 2024-02-21 14:32 [50th floor] Yuguang's trip Lv.1

    At the beginning of the new year, Fuji X100VI is a big surprise for photography lovers. There is also Canon R52 waiting for it. It is very courteous [bares teeth] [bares teeth] [rose] [rose] [blessing] [blessing]