Zhongguancun online news: MediaTek and Alibaba Cloud have made a major breakthrough in the mobile AI field, and successfully achieved the deep adaptation of the big model on its flagship chip Tianji 9300. This move has led to a lot of questions [View full text]

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  • 2024-03-29 21:35 [86th floor] Little King's World Lv.1

    This news is about technology, not politics. It means that the Tongyi Qianwen big model can be deployed at the edge in the future. Every mobile phone equipped with MediaTek chips can become an independently deployed general AI

  • 2024-03-29 18:35 [83rd floor] loyosx  Lv.1

    MediaTek is not bad. How many people in China have used smart phones? Why don't you buy MediaTek because it is cheap, and now you don't like the performance of Qualcomm?

  • 2024-03-29 11:28 [78th floor] The magic girl is still Lv.1

    Let's put it this way, it can't be realized unless human beings enter the first level of civilization and can leave the earth. If the unemployment rate exceeds 30%, China alone will generate nearly 300 million people between the ages of 20 and 60 who have no income... What is the guarantee of social security?

  • 2024-03-29 11:12 [77th floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    [Laughing] AI has replaced people. Ai is different. Ai will take the place of everyone's work. In the end, people have to work hard to carry sacks. In the end, all the coolies could not do it.

  • 2024-03-29 11:11 [76th floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    Think about what China was like 20 years ago and 30 years ago. I don't know about foreign countries. In any case, as long as the productive forces are truly advanced, they will develop rapidly in China.

  • 2024-03-29 10:47 [72nd floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    The industrial revolution means that the advanced productive forces eliminate the backward ones. Excuse me, do you still want to work with horses and oxen? Now, do people still need to cultivate land? Bulls and horses are backward in productivity and should be eliminated. In the same way, people will soon become backward in productivity and will be eliminated.

  • 2024-03-29 09:56 [68th floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    AI replaces people and AI enables the whole production process, which is the inevitable future. Because ai represents advanced productivity. There is no need to consider whether people have jobs or not. The essence of money is barter, which is used to exchange output. Therefore, as long as there is enough output, everyone can have it through distribution. Ai will control the whole production process.

  • 2024-03-29 09:43 [66th floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    [Tears running] You are good at turning over the history of the industrial revolution. The backward productive forces have been eliminated and the advanced productive forces have ascended. This is the essence of the industrial revolution. Ai is now an advanced productivity. Ai's advancement is relative to people and intelligent work that cannot be replaced before. So ai goes up and people go down. You said that no job will be eliminated. I'm sorry, everyone in Northern Europe has no job and eats welfare at home. What does it depend on? The country has money and the country produces oil resources. The essence of capital and society is output and distribution. Capital controls output and money controls distribution. Man is just a tool between output and distribution.

  • 2024-03-29 06:56 [61st floor] The magic girl is still Lv.1

    First, you have AI, and so does your opponent. How can you become a capitalist if you work alone with AI. Second, the things you produce are for people to use. If AI can cause a large number of people to be laid off and they cannot afford to consume, who can sell the things you produce to? Third, if a large number of people lose their jobs in a society, the capitalists will only be hanged to the lamp posts.

  • 2024-03-28 21:31 [46th floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    Industrialization in developed countries, human services and civil service. Now ai is doing better as a civilian. Ai+robots are doing better in the service industry right away. You won't have a job anymore. If you can do it, AI can do it. Capitalists won't hire you. A general 5g+ai control robot of the capitalist can work 7 * 24 hours a year at a membership price of up to 10000 to 20000 per year, and can work 8760 hours a year at a cost of 100000. You can't work as efficiently as a robot even if you are 996. You can work at full load for up to 10 hours. You also need housing prices and the Spring Festival, You can work more than 3000 hours every year. The robot has zero mistakes, low management costs, and the overall energy efficiency is many times that of you.

  • 2024-03-28 21:04 [45th floor] Playing basketball on stilts Lv.1

    [Tears Running] Why do machines replace people. Why is no one weaving now. Only people cut. Because of productivity. What machines bring is the improvement of productivity. Capitalists will eliminate people and let machines replace them. It is the same in any position. Now ai can replace people to do many white-collar jobs. In the next few years, AI will develop greatly, and AI will replace 90% of the posts. Now it's not like you can do something else without doing this job. Now ai, ai+robot, has replaced human. Your job itself has been replaced. It is no longer just replacing your position, but replacing the role of people. Machines are much better than people.

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