

WooCommerce It is an open source e-commerce platform of WordPress.

Our core platform is a free and flexible platform, which is developed and strengthened by virtue of the global community. Open source freedom means that you completely and permanently own the content and data of the store.

Whether you want to conduct business, conduct online physical retail, or develop a site for customers, you can use WooCommerce to create a store that combines content and commerce closely.

All the sales tools you need

Built in tools and popular integrations help you manage your business operations efficiently. Via optional installation wizard , you can add multiple services for free with one click.

  • Select the collection method you want to use use WooPayments (It has been launched in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Spain, France, Germany and Italy) to easily and quickly manage store receipts. adopt More than 100 payment gateways (including Stripe PayPal and Square )Securely accept credit cards, mobile wallets, bank transfers and cash payments.
  • Configure your shipping options Print the USPS label directly through the dashboard, or even arrange to print the USPS label through the WooCommerce Shipping (USA only) Pick up. Well known enterprises such as UPS and FedEx Transportation company Contact for various delivery, inventory management and order fulfillment solutions for your region.
  • Simplify sales tax add to WooCommerce Tax or Similar integration services To realize automatic calculation.

Expand your business, add features, and monitor your store anytime, anywhere

WooCommerce means business opportunities. With the help of WooCommerce Admin This powerful and customizable central control panel for your store keeps an eye on the most important performance indicators for you.

With the help of Google Ads HubSpot Mailchimp and Facebook Integrate to expand your audience on marketing and social channels. You can view the Marketing Center , to gain new ideas and skills to help you succeed.

adopt Official WooCommerce Marketplace Hundreds of free and paid extensions to enhance store functionality. Our developers will Review each new extension And regularly review the existing extension procedures to maintain the market quality standards. We are actively Look for products that can help store builders succeed

You can use the free WooCommerce Mobile applications (Android and iOS) to manage your store anytime, anywhere. Spoiler warning: Every time you make a new transaction, pay attention to the somewhat addictive cash register sound effect ("click pro") notification sound!

Permanently own and control your store data

Yes WooCommerce , your data belongs to you. Always yours.

If you choose to share with us Usage data , please rest assured that we will process your data anonymously and ensure its security. You can choose not to share at any time, which will not affect your store.

Unlike hosted e-commerce solutions, WooCommerce store data is forward-looking; You can export all content at any time, or migrate your site to any platform you choose. unlimited.

Why do developers choose (and like) WooCommerce

Developers can use WooCommerce To create, customize, and extend the store to meet the exact specifications of the client, and enhance its functionality through extension programs or custom solutions.

  • utilize Hook and filter Modify or create functions.
  • By using the powerful REST API With Webhook, you can integrate almost any service.
  • Use React to design and build custom content blocks.
  • Check and modify Any part of the core plug-in code.
  • With the help of lightning fast CLI And accelerate the development speed.

The core platform is rigorously tested and often supported by specialized development teams working across time zones. Comprehensive documentation is updated each time you publish, enabling you to accurately build the stores you need.

Join our growing international community

WooCommerce has a large and enthusiastic community dedicated to helping businesses succeed, and this community is developing rapidly.

We hold WooCommerce Conference , you can participate free of charge, or even participate in the operation. These activities are good ways to learn from others, share your expertise, and connect with like-minded people.

WooCommerce also often participates in global WordCamps activities, and we hope to meet you there.

Contribution and translation

WooCommerce was developed and supported by Automatic (the creator of WordPress.com and Jetpack). We also have hundreds of independent contributors, and there is always room for improvement. go to WooCommerce GitHub code base , learn how to join.

WooCommerce has been translated into many languages, including Danish, Ukrainian and Persian. Further help localize WooCommerce by adding local languages – visit translate.wordpress.org

Connect to WooCommerce.com

You can connect your store to WooCommerce.com To manage your subscription on WooCommerce Marketplace and receive product updates without leaving the WordPress administrator interface. After connecting, you can also install the purchased products directly from WooCommerce.com and obtain technical support through an easy process. If you want to know what data we have collected and how to use it, please refer to our Privacy Policy



The plug-in provides two blocks

  • Filter by Rating Controls Enable customers to filter the product grid by rating.
  • Filter by Stock Controls Enable customers to filter the product grid by stock status.


Medium demand

  • PHP 7.4 or higher is required (PHP 8.0 or higher is recommended)
  • MySQL 5.6 or higher or MariaDB 10.1 or higher is required

For a detailed list of server requirements, visit WooCommerce Server Requirements Document

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest way: you don't need to leave your Web browser, and WordPress handles file transfers. To automatically install WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress control panel, navigate to the Plug in menu, and then click Add.

In the search field, type "WooCommerce" and then click "Search plug-in". Once found, you can view relevant details, such as release time, rating and description. Of course, more importantly, you can install it! Click "Install Now" and WordPress will start installing immediately.

Manual installation

The manual installation method requires you to download our e-commerce plug-in and upload it to your server using your favorite FTP tool. WordPress codex introduces How to do this


Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend that you back up your site.

If you encounter an error on the store/type page after updating, go to WordPress>Settings>Permanent Links, and then press Save to refresh the permanent links. This should return to the normal page.

Sample Data

WooCommerce comes with some sample data, which you can use to view the appearance of the product; adopt WordPress Importer Import sample_products.xml. You can also use the core CSV Importer Or our CSV Import Suite Extension Import sample_products.csv

common problem

Where can I find WooCommerce's documentation and user wizards?

For WooCommerce settings and configurations, see Getting Started Guide and New WooCommerce Store Owner's Guide

For questions about WooCommerce extensions or topics, see our file as well as Plug in Developer Best Practices

Where can I get help or communicate with other users about WooCommerce core?

If you encounter difficulties, you can follow These guidelines stay WooCommerce Support Forum Ask for help on, via Slack, WooCommerce Community Contact us or on Facebook WooCommerce Community Group Post in.

Where can I get help with the extensions I purchased from WooCommerce Marketplace?

For help with the paid extension in WooCommerce Marketplace: First, check out our Self service problem troubleshooting guide If the problem persists, please go to Our Help Desk Fill in the support application form. Our dedicated support team (happy engineers) will try to give you a reply within 24 hours.

I'm having trouble logging into WooCommerce.com – what should I do now?

First, use this practical Step by Step Guide Troubleshoot common login problems. Still not? Contact us

Is WooCommerce compatible with my theme?

sure! WooCommerce can use any theme, but you may need to set some other styles. If you are looking for a theme that deeply integrates WooCommerce, we recommend it for you Storefront

How can I update WooCommerce?

We provide information about How to update WooCommerce Detailed guidelines for.

Something is wrong with my site – what should I do?

First, use our practical Troubleshooting Guide To diagnose the problem.

If you find errors after updating the theme or plug-in, there may be compatibility issues with WooCommerce. If problems occur after updating WooCommerce, there may be conflicts between WooCommerce and outdated themes or plug-ins.

In both cases, we recommend that you use Health Check (It allows you to disable themes and plug-ins without affecting visitors) to conduct conflict testing, or with the help of Staging site Troubleshoot problems.

Where can I report errors?

Report on WooCommerce GitHub code base Error for. You can also notify us through our support forum, and be sure to search the forum to confirm that the corresponding error has not been reported.

Where can I request new features, themes, and extensions?

Request new features and extensions, and Function Request Board Vote on the existing proposal. Our product team regularly reviews these requests and considers their value to product planning.

WooCommerce is great! Can I contribute?

Yes, you can do it! Join us GitHub code base , and pay attention to Development Blog , keep abreast of what's going on in the project.

Where can I find REST API documentation?

GitHub provides a large number of WooCommerce REST API documentation

My question is not listed here. Where can I find more answers?

see frequently asked questions For more information.


September 16, 2024 1 Reply
I’ve been a long-time WordPress and WooCommerce fan, but in recent times, dealing with the constant struggle to scale and address basic issues has become overwhelmingly stressful. The number of GitHub issues I’ve followed—and am still part of—while waiting for simple fixes, like proper inclusive tax calculation on shipping in Australia, is beyond frustrating. Some of these problems have been around for years. After simply trying to connect WooPayments to a client’s store, I was met with a redirection loop and a barrage of errors. That was the last straw for me. I’ve since started exploring Shopify and learning MedusaJS to migrate the rest of my stores away from WooCommerce. For small to medium-scale businesses, the challenges of using WooCommerce might be manageable. However, for serious enterprise or high-volume stores, even a small hiccup can lead to a significant loss in revenue. I’ve followed all best practices: dropped third-party plugins, cleaned up databases, and custom-built functions for peak performance. Despite these efforts, the core WooCommerce plugin still can’t integrate smoothly with its own first-party plugins (Woo Shipping, RMA, etc.). It often feels like their upsells are abandoned, never properly checked for issues. When developers report problems, they’re often left unresolved for months. Support tends to shift the blame to third-party plugins or themes. I even switched to purely WooCommerce plugins and custom-built themes/functions just to get support to take responsibility—and even then, it’s hit-or-miss. I genuinely hope WooCommerce can turn things around and become great again, but right now, it seems to be losing ground to newer, more reliable competitors. Basic features like bulk stock adjustments are still missing, and that’s a dealbreaker for many.
September 12, 2024 1 Reply
Hi there. I hope you’re doing fine. Thank you so much for the Gutenberg Blocks you added to the Woocommerce plugin. But there is a loss on these blocks. There is no “Review Forms” on the blocks list! I’m trying to design a custom dynamic “Single Product” page using Gutenberg blocks. Everything is OK except the “Review Form”! There are no “Review Forms” on the blocks list! There are just 3 blocks for reviews: Reviews by Product Reviews by Category All Reviews But there is no block for the Review Form! How can I add the default Woocommerce “Review Form” to my Single Product page?
September 11, 2024 1 Reply
I had a requirement which went beyond the core WooCommerce functionality, and within a very short time of asking for advice, I had (a) confirmation that what I wanted was beyond the core functionality, and (b) a recommendation for a plugin. After installing the plugin I was able to solved my problem easily and quickly.
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Update log

9.3.2 2024-09-18

  • Fix – Improve the product importer’s handling of filepaths under Windows #51456
  • Fix – Revert changes related to low stock product notifications #51441
  • Fix – Resolve a bug where manually triggering added_to_cart event without a button element caused an Exception #51449

View change logs for all versions