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Chongqing Shuguang Andrology Hospital, Chongqing Andrology Hospital, Chongqing Andrology Hospital

2024 New List of Men's Hospitals - Which hospital is good for seeing impotence in Chongqing (open hot discussion)? Is Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital black or not? OK or not?

2024-02-22 14:16:05 Chongqing Shuguang Andrology Hospital

Core tip: 2024 new list of andrology hospitals - which hospital is good for seeing impotence in Chongqing (open hot discussion)? Is Chongqing Shuguang Andrology Hospital black or not? OK or not? Ranking of Chongqing Men's Hospital: 1. The official website of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 2. The andrology department of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 3. The address of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 4. The reputation of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital. Masturbation is a way of obtaining sexual pleasure and ejaculating husbands through some non sexual lifestyles. Moderate masturbation will not cause too much harm. On the contrary, it can delight the body and mind and relieve fatigue. However, excessive and frequent masturbation is not encouraged. Medical science believes that male sexual function is closely related to the kidney. Kidney stores essence, mainly for reproductive and sexual functions. Excessive masturbation will inevitably lead to excessive indulgence, loss of kidney essence, impotence and premature ejaculation. If men become impotent and have premature ejaculation due to masturbation, they should first give up masturbation and adjust their psychological state. When impotence and premature ejaculation occur, corresponding drugs should be used for treatment.

2024 New List of Men's Hospitals - Which hospital is good for seeing impotence in Chongqing (open hot discussion)? Is Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital black or not? OK or not? Ranking of Chongqing Men's Hospital: 1. The official website of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 2. The andrology department of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 3. The address of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 4. The reputation of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital. Masturbation is a way of obtaining sexual pleasure and ejaculating husbands through some non sexual lifestyles. Moderate masturbation will not cause too much harm. On the contrary, it can delight the body and mind and relieve fatigue. However, excessive and frequent masturbation is not encouraged. Medical science believes that male sexual function is closely related to the kidney. Kidney stores essence, mainly for reproductive and sexual functions. Excessive masturbation will inevitably lead to excessive indulgence, loss of kidney essence, impotence and premature ejaculation. If men become impotent and have premature ejaculation due to masturbation, they should first quit masturbation and adjust their psychological state. When impotence and premature ejaculation occur, corresponding drugs should be used for treatment.

1. Abstain from masturbation: impotence and premature ejaculation caused by masturbation need to be stopped in time. We should also avoid some bad sexual stimulation and adjust our mental state. When the idea of masturbation appears, we should shift more attention. Only abstinence from masturbation can eliminate the inducement and promote the restoration of sexual function;

2. Drug treatment: If the impotence and premature ejaculation caused by masturbation are not improved after quitting masturbation, erectile dysfunction will not be ruled out. Oral medicine can help penis erection, increase the hardness after erection, and enable men to have normal sexual behavior. When premature ejaculation occurs, lidocaine hydrochloride gel can be smeared on the glans half an hour before sexual life to temporarily paralyze the glans, reduce sensitivity, prolong sexual life, improve the quality of sexual life, and help improve premature ejaculation.

2024 New List of Men's Hospitals - Which hospital is good for seeing impotence in Chongqing (open hot discussion)? Is Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital black or not? OK or not? Ranking of Chongqing Men's Hospital: 1. The official website of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 2. The andrology department of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 3. The address of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital; 4. The reputation of Chongqing Shuguang Men's Hospital. Chongqing Shuguang Andrology Hospital focuses on male health, implements the "convenient and affordable" diagnosis and treatment service model, provides one-stop medical services for patients, and comprehensively implements the "one doctor, one patient, one consulting room" system. The patient's medical record data will be completely confidential, so as to eliminate the embarrassment of patients when they seek medical treatment and ensure their privacy. If the patient has any unclear points in the treatment process, they can communicate with the doctor online for free to make the treatment more comfortable.

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