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Chongqing Normal Andrology Hospital - What are the common impacts of male redundant prepuce?

2023-08-01 10:58:17 Chongqing Shuguang Andrology Hospital

Core tip: too long prepuce is a common problem for men, and most men do not pay attention to it because it will not bring pain and discomfort to themselves. In this regard, doctors pointed out that too long prepuce is very harmful. Male friends need to have a correct understanding. Let's take a look at the common impact of too long prepuce?

Too long prepuce is a common problem for men, and most men do not pay attention to it because it will not bring pain and discomfort to themselves. For this, doctors pointed out that the harm of too long prepuce is great, and male friends need to have a correct understanding of it. What is the common impact of too long prepuce?

What are the common effects of too long prepuce?

1、 Short penis: Since the male glans is bound by the foreskin since childhood, the unexplained treatment will hinder the development of the male penis for a long time, resulting in short penis.

2、 Premature ejaculation: because the glans is protected by the foreskin at ordinary times, it is very sensitive to the outside world. Premature ejaculation is easy to occur when sexual contact occurs in sexual life.

3、 Inflammation: If the foreskin is too long, it is easy to produce a lot of foreskin dirt, which breeds some bacteria and causes male inflammation, threatening male health.

The above is the common harm that male foreskin is too long. I hope everyone can pay enough attention to it. If the foreskin is too long and has phimosis, it should be removed in time to protect their health.

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