Product line

Product characteristics

Auto Horizontal Split

TDSQL supports automatic horizontal splitting of large database tables. The system automatically distributes data evenly to different physical nodes, and queries are automatically aggregated and returned; The data distribution is transparent to the business system. What the business actually sees is a logical and complete table, and there is no need to perceive the physical architecture of the back end.

Leading distributed architecture

TDSQL provides multiple management schemes for distributed transaction management. It provides developers with flexible development schemes by providing (distributed) transaction features, globally unique digital sequences, JSON and other capabilities. The proprietary distributed transaction consistency technology is used to ensure transaction consistency in a fully distributed environment.

Non stop elastic expansion

When the database performance or capacity is insufficient to support business development, click on the console to complete the automatic upgrade. During the upgrade process, you don't need to care about data migration, balance and route switching in the distributed system. After the upgrade is completed, the access IP does not change. Only the second level flash off occurs during automatic switchover. You only need to ensure that there is a reconnection mechanism.

Strong synchronous replication

TDSQL adopts the master-slave architecture by default, which can ensure availability of more than 99.999%; The system supports strong synchronous replication to provide strong consistency of data. After the business system writes data, it will only give the application transaction response after the database slave is synchronized to ensure that the master slave data is completely consistent, without data loss or confusion due to failure, and the strong synchronous replication performance is basically equal to asynchronous replication.

Ultra high performance

TDSQL deeply customizes and develops the database kernel, and its performance is far better than that of open source products with the same engine; Support read/write separation, effectively provide read expansion and development flexibility; The database connection allocation logic has been deeply optimized to perform better under heavy load; The hard disk of NVMe SSD is configured to provide more than four times more IO configuration than SATA, helping you meet business performance requirements more easily.

Provide public cloud and private cloud deployment

TDSQL provides multiple deployment modes. In the public cloud, there are two deployment modes: multi tenant and exclusive physical cluster, which can easily and quickly produce TDSQL databases on the console. In the proprietary cloud, it can be deployed in the Tencent proprietary cloud TCE and Tencent cloud TStack; It can also be deployed independently or output in the way of database all-in-one machine; Different deployment schemes have the same key functions except for slightly different console functions.

Enterprise level data security

TDSQL supports the ability of one master and multiple slaves, with strong data synchronization consistency. The system supports the separation of three powers, and can provide multiple levels of data security assurance capabilities such as transparent data encryption, data desensitization access, and mandatory access control. It can be extended to support the commercial encryption algorithm of Chinese standard, and meet the requirements of equal protection 2.0 and secret evaluation.

Compatible with multiple database engines

TDSQL is compatible with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle syntax; It can be extended in a physical cluster to support centralized and distributed instances; It also provides high-performance online transaction processing (OLTP) capabilities and massive online analytical processing (OLAP) simultaneous processing capabilities, which can reduce the complexity and cost of the business architecture, and provide a variety of enterprise level features. It is an ideal choice to go to O.

Private cloud cluster expansion capability

Under the proprietary cloud deployment scheme, it can be extended to support data migration and synchronization tools (DTS), provide migration and synchronization of heterogeneous databases, and provide on cloud and off cloud interoperability; Extended Support Database Management Tool (DMC); Expand database audit and operational audit capabilities; Compatible with F5, LB, LVS and other load balancers; Compatible with Kunpeng, Feiteng, Longxin, Haiguang and other domestic chips, and compatible with Tongxin UOS, Kirin and other domestic operating systems.

Application scenarios

  • Real time high concurrency transaction system
  • Financial core trading system
  • HTAP business system
  • Internet of Things application system

The booming development of Internet, mobile Internet, e-commerce and other businesses has led to a growing number of customers, and the core business system needs to withstand the test of high concurrent access. The share nothing architecture of TDSQL can smoothly expand the instance size online and handle such scenarios calmly; At the same time, the distributed transaction consistency capability provided by TDSQL can ensure the transaction consistency of distributed systems in high concurrency scenarios.

You can enter Distributed database TDSQL console Quickly create TDSQL instances and easily start using cloud database TDSQL.