Tencent Qianfan Cloud Market

Through product level integration, Tencent Qianfan Cloud market and ecological partners provide customers with comprehensive, professional and leading products and solutions to jointly build industrial connectivity.

Become the market partner of Tencent Cloud Qianfan Cloud

As a convenient channel for partners to sell software, hardware and service products that can be combined with Tencent Cloud, Tencent Qianfan Cloud Market is committed to empowering partners with more products, brands and sales resources, and working together to provide users with better application solutions.

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Tencent Yunqi

For the incubation and cooperation window of "China Enterprise Service Innovation Company", help start-ups develop rapidly with funds and resources.
Tencent Yunqi Innovation Ecology
Tencent Yunqi
Tencent Yunqi Innovation Ecology is the incubation and cooperation window of Tencent CSIG (Cloud and Smart Industry Cluster) for "Chinese Enterprise Service Innovation Companies", which helps start-ups develop rapidly with funds and resources. At present, the business mainly includes industrial accelerator to accelerate the growth of high-quality enterprise service companies, industrial co entrepreneurship and investment to serve the innovation of large enterprises.
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Tencent Cloud Free Cloud Service Plan Helps Public Welfare Organizations and Projects Go Cloud

Cloud+public welfare

Free objects

It is a non-profit, non partisan, non member organization legally registered and established under the Chinese civil affairs department. It is a non-governmental voluntary social intermediary organization that realizes independent management and is committed to social public welfare undertakings and solving various social problems.

Support content

The amount of cloud resource support is 2000 yuan per year, which is applied annually, and the excess part needs to be paid by oneself.

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Public welfare projects served

Tencent volunteers
Free lunch
Baby, go home
Information Accessibility Research Association
True love dream
Help you quickly get started with cloud computing, swim in the cloud, and achieve the dream of college entrepreneurs
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Join hands with the partners of "Tencent Cloud Audio Video" to create the future ecology of "all true Internet"
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Cooperative promotion

Tencent Cloud and industry partners work together to create a symbiotic and win-win digital ecosystem
cooperative partner
Work together with partners to create a symbiotic and win-win digital ecosystem
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Promotion reward
Promotion ambassadors can get up to 80000 monthly commissions for inviting new users to the cloud
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Cloud Knowledge Partner Platform
One stop learning, certification and empowerment platform to help industry and partners grow together
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Industry Conference

Join hands with global industry elites to continuously promote innovation
Tencent Digital Ecology Conference
Gather global wisdom to gain insight into new opportunities for industrial development and draw a new blueprint for industrial Internet
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Techo Park Developer Conference
Tencent's annual science and technology event for global developers and technology enthusiasts
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