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[Award winning question and answer] When do you feel you are really stepping into the door of programming?

put questions to to 2024-09-19 five hundred and eighty-six
answer Mr. Egg DX
The door of programming can be divided into the door of entry and the door of transformation. Here are my experiences in different programming fields: JavaScript - The Gate to Transformation After I released ncform, the first open source project in my life, I really felt that I had achieved transformation in the JavaScript field. This project not only gave me a deep understanding of the design of frameworks and libraries, but also made me experience the fun and challenges of communication and cooperation with the community Python - Portal Through training a simple stock price prediction model, although the prediction accuracy of this model is not high, realizing this function makes me feel that I have taken an important step in Python programming and machine learning. This process made me understand the training process of basic data processing and machine learning models, marking that my struggle in this field finally saw a ray of sunshine Unity - the door to entry After solving the problem of how to use Tencent cloud development as a back-end service in the development of WeChat games with Unity, I feel that I can also move forward in the rain in the strange field of game development. This experience not only verified my learning and adaptability, but also gave me a basic understanding of Unity development In general, these milestone moments make me feel that I have really stepped into the door of programming, and every progress is a new departure.
nine People answered this question

https://p26-tt.byteimg.com How can I put pictures in this domain name?

answer Hequan gauze fog
You can use python to achieve this effect. import socket socket_server = socket.socket(socket. AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) socket_server.bind(("", 80)) socket_server.setsockopt(socket. SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, True) socket_server.listen(128) while True: socket_client, ip_addr = socket_server.accept() data = socket_client.recv(100000) if not len(data): Print ("client shutdown") break print(data.decode('utf-8')) with open("1.png", "rb") as f: music_data = f.read() response_line = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" response_header = "Server: py1.0\r\n" response_body = music_data response_data = (response_line + response_header + "\r\n").encode() + response_body socket_client.send(response_data) socket_client.close() Put the 1. png image file in the directory at the same level as the code
two People answered this question

Is object storage one of the ways of cloud storage?

answer TCS-F
Yes, the object storage is a distributed storage file system, a three copy product solution, and a solution to massive unstructured and structured data storage pool solution. The following is a panorama:>>>Object storage
one People answered this question

It is already the enterprise version of Tencent Conference. Why can't you use custom layout?

edit to 2024-09-15 forty
answer User 11283992
When the "Tencent Cloud Technical Advisor" puts forward your questions, a special person will check and handle them for you.
two People answered this question

There is no problem with the video of Tencent conference, but the other party cannot hear the voice (there is a problem with the microphone). With rooms, the video and voice are normal?

edit to 2024-09-12 forty-eight
answer liquid
Hello, if you encounter system problems, you can go to the official website of Tencent Conference: https://meeting.tencent.com/index.html , click the "after-sales support" on the right side, raise your questions through the "Tencent Cloud Technical Advisor" at the bottom of the chat window, and someone will check and handle them for you.
one People answered this question

About getting information about members in the real-time seminar?

edit to 2024-09-09 eighty-one
answer Happy Xiaobai
What about this? https://meeting.tencent.com/support/topic/525/index.html Or you can subscribe to the event of user joining and user leaving to analyze the participants
two People answered this question

Do not execute the for loop in the python if condition?

edit to 2024-09-12 twenty-five
answer Happy Xiaobai Answer adopted
from pathlib import Path Path=input ('resolution address: ') path2 = Path(path) all_list = [] #Convert generator to list file_list = list(path2.rglob('*.txt')) l = len(file_list) Print (f "number of files found: {l}") if l > 0: Print (f "Enter if conditional statement, number of files found: {l}") for file in file_list: print('----this1') print(file) print('---this2') Print (f "memory address of file_list: {id (file_list)}") else: Print ("No. txt file found")
one People answered this question

To access the domain name without www, you will be prompted 502 Bad Gateway. Is the domain name with www accessible normally?

edit to 2024-09-09 forty-eight
answer Happy Xiaobai
No * resolution,
one People answered this question

Send on duty template error regularly?

answer Happy Xiaobai
It should be that a parameter is incorrectly filled in. Check it
one People answered this question

What is the protocol format for Android URL Scheme to jump to Tencent conference APP?

answer liquid
wemeet://page/inmeeting?meeting_code= Conference No
one People answered this question

How to connect a lightweight ECS to the MySQL cloud database on the intranet?

answer Happy Xiaobai
It can be interconnected through the intranet. If you really don't understand the document, you can send a work order and let Tencent Cloud's technology guide you.
one People answered this question

After the automatic reply of the public account is turned off, every message will still be automatically replied: the service is suspended and the function is being optimized. How can I turn it off?

answer Happy Xiaobai
Close the third-party interface call in developer mode
one People answered this question

How does ECS CVM apply for return?

edit to 2024-09-03 forty-eight
answer Tencent Cloud Developer Community
Hello, please refer to this document: https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/9711 I hope it is helpful to you!
one People answered this question

Who can tell me how to select the weather information of a certain day in rich text?

edit to 2024-09-05 twenty
answer xiaoeyv
regular expression
one People answered this question

Tencent conference sdk?

answer liquid
Hello, what question do you want to ask?
one People answered this question

Why can't I open the pagoda panel address?

edit to 2024-09-04 twenty-five
answer Happy Xiaobai
What are the hints? Probably your server firewall is not open
one People answered this question

The website cannot be opened, and "err_connection_reused" is displayed. How can I solve this problem?

answer Traveler Sun
The browser reports an error Connection refused, indicating that the connection request was rejected when trying to connect to the server or service. Possible reasons include but are not limited to: Service not running: The service you are trying to connect to may not be running on the server. Port error: You may have tried to connect to the wrong port. Firewall restrictions: The server's firewall may have blocked your connection request. Network problem: Connection failure may be caused by incorrect network configuration or unstable network. Server load: The server may be too loaded to handle more connections. Service configuration problem: The service may not be configured correctly, resulting in unacceptable connections. Combined with your description: ECS shows that it is running normally, using the pagoda panel, and one nginx fails to start, showing that "port [xxxxx] has been occupied by bt panel process"; Comment out the nginx configuration file with "#". After enabling the nginx service, the website still cannot be opened The preliminary troubleshooting direction is as follows: 1. The server is normal, not the server 2. The nginx startup prompts that the port is occupied. You should check which service process occupies the port (netstat+ps - ef command). If it is an important service, you can try to kill the process first and then start nginx 3. I don't know what you have commented. Although the nginx service is started, the problem of port occupation may not be solved. When visiting the website, there is no corresponding service behind this port, so it cannot be opened
one People answered this question

Questions about the use of personal domain names after filing?

answer Happy Xiaobai
No violation. Second level domain name and third level domain name can be used
one People answered this question

How does the enterprise WeChat robot obtain and automatically forward the notifications and files of the website to group chat?

answer Happy Xiaobai
Add a group robot to the enterprise WeChat group, and then send a notification through the robot's webhook interface.
one People answered this question

Can the applet and video number be interconnected?

edit to 2024-08-28 seventy-five
answer Superbright
After March 29, 2024, the video number will no longer support the direct attachment of applets. Before March 29, 2024, WeChat video accounts allow users to attach applets, but this function will be canceled later, unless the account subject is public institution media.
one People answered this question
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