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Exclusive Interview with Hubei University of Technology | Micro Tower Helps University Informatization Construction

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Tencent Cloud Development TCB
release to 2022-11-24 15:42:58
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release to 2022-11-24 15:42:58
Articles included in the column: Cloud development

Hubei University of Technology purchased Overall scheme of micro building low code All in One Network Office Through micro building and low code, we can quickly launch scene applications on campus, such as epidemic declaration applications and various OA applications. The school's student team passed the Tencent low code platform The daily roll call application and other applications have been developed, and students' innovative practical thinking has been cultivated.

This time, we had the honor to invite Director Tang of the Information Office of Hubei University of Technology to carry out an interview, discuss the requirements of university informatization construction on the low code platform, and share the feelings in the process of using micro building.


What core problems need to be solved in informatization construction?

In the process of informatization construction, the realization of technology and management is very challenging. There are three main contradictions in my personal experience.

  • First, how to use information-based Internet thinking summarizes and promotes the business of informatization construction , to solve the demands of teachers and students, to help teachers grow and develop, students grow and become talents.
  • Second, informatization construction Contradiction between input and output The school has invested heavily in the informatization construction. However, it often takes a certain amount of time and accumulation to achieve results. At that time, the school chose micro building to enable teachers and students to experience the effects of informatization more quickly and effectively.
  • The third point is Conflict between security and ease of use The school has high requirements for information security. For example, we have designed many security measures in terms of access restrictions and password policies, which will extend the response time of the system. How to improve user experience on the basis of ensuring security is an urgent problem


What effect do you hope to achieve in this low code cooperation with Tencent Cloud Microenterprise?

In the process of information construction, we encountered a big problem is the gap between front-line business teachers and technicians.

The business teacher is very familiar with the business, but does not understand the code. The people in the technology center understand the code, but they don't understand some core businesses of the school. This problem has led to insufficient effect in the process of informatization.

We want to make our Teachers can focus on realizing our business logic and have the ability to build quickly and independently. To promote the digital process of school business. We hope that through this in-depth cooperation with Tencent, we can really solve the difficulties in the process of information construction and achieve the effect of recognition by teachers and students.


New ideas of talent cultivation combined with low code platform

In the process of this project, we formed our own IT student assistant team. I hope to participate in Tencent's exchange and training, in-depth project practice, etc, It aims to cultivate students' development collaboration ability and knowledge reserve of R&D ability.

On the one hand, the school opens up the information-based computing storage resources to some students who need ideas and abilities. They carry out independent research and development, independent planning around their own information needs, and implement applications based on micro building for the whole school.

A late name application developed by students is a good example. In the context of epidemic prevention and control, how to ensure that students are on campus is a great challenge. Our student team quickly implemented the application of late roll call based on WeChat and provided it to the student management department.

On the other hand, we also want to communicate with Internet enterprises in the form of such a project, so that students can understand the cutting-edge technology route, job division and job responsibilities of our industry. Our informatization department provides a stage within its power to cultivate talents with strong innovation and entrepreneurship and practical ability.

About the low code of Tencent Cloud Microblog

What is WeChat?

Tencent Cloud WeChat builds a low code platform, connects WeChat and enterprise WeChat users, helps enterprises quickly customize and build mobile collaborative office applications, and makes information and process flow more efficient.

What can Weida do?

  • Three minute visual building and publishing of applets, H5, Web and other multi end applications.
  • Quickly build an enterprise specific business management platform, form process and other office and management applications, and provide enterprise level account and permission control capabilities.

Applicable scenarios:

  • Enterprise external marketing and enterprise internal collaborative office scenarios, such as marketing activities, clocking in, enterprise official website, visitor appointment, epidemic situation management, approval process, meeting management, etc.

What are the advantages of micro building?

Link to WeChat ecology

  • WeChat exclusive private link provides secure and reliable mobile cooperative office development suite for enterprises.
  • Get through the internal and external user identities of WeChat and enterprise WeChat, and meet the customer's C2B light application scenario needs.
  • Provide enterprise WeChat account identity authentication middleware to help enterprises with unified multi identity access and identity governance, and control enterprise WeChat application permissions.
  • WeChat ecological connector provides scenario based connections such as applet, public account, agenda, meeting, etc. to improve the efficiency of digital office and management of enterprises.

Link Tencent SaaS ecosystem

  • Open Tencent conferences, Tencent documents, Tencent cloud products and other open capabilities to quickly build enterprise level system applications.

Cloud native technology base

  • Based on the cloud development technology base, it is free of server operation and maintenance, elastic expansion, and guarantees the stability, security, and high concurrency of applications.

WeChat official website:


Micro video course:


Wechat official communication group

Original statement: This article is published by Tencent Cloud Developer Community under the authorization of the author, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

In case of infringement, please contact cloudcommunity@tencent.com Delete.

Original statement: This article is published by the Tencent Cloud Developer Community under the authorization of the author, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

In case of infringement, please contact cloudcommunity@tencent.com Delete.

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Recommended reading
  • 01
  • What core problems need to be solved in informatization construction?
  • 02
  • What effect do you hope to achieve in this low code cooperation with Tencent Cloud Microenterprise?
  • 03
  • New ideas of talent cultivation combined with low code platform
Related products and services
Low code for Tencent Cloud WeChat
Micro build low code is a high-performance low code development platform. Users can build PC Web, H5 and applet applications through drag and drop development and visual configuration. It supports opening up internal data of the enterprise, easily realizing WeChat management, workflow, message push, user rights and other capabilities of the enterprise, and realizing internal system management of the enterprise. Connect to WeChat ecology, make deep connection with WeChat payment, Tencent conferences, Tencent documents and other Tencent SaaS products, support native small programs, and help enterprises with internal and external operation collaboration and marketing management.
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