Industry solutions

Tencent Cloud Digital Factory Scenario Solution

Give play to Tencent's technological advantages and industrial ecological advantages in the Internet of Things, big data, AI and other aspects to help enterprises improve quality and efficiency, save energy and reduce costs, and make digital transformation; Realize transparent production, paperless office and unmanned workshop

Tencent Cloud Digital Factory Solution

Realize transparent production, paperless office and unmanned workshop

Product scheme introduction

Product definition
Tencent Cloud Digital Factory is a platform product that helps enterprises realize digitalization and intelligence. Solve the problems of equipment data collection, equipment index analysis and enterprise information system Data isolated island connection , data application difficulties; Through the integration of OT and IT data, using Tencent's AI algorithm capabilities Data Intelligence Provide intelligent application scenarios such as customer safety production and AI quality inspection; Help enterprises Digital transformation And high-quality development

Features of product scheme

Digital top-level planning
The digital factory adopts a product architecture of 1+5+N to build a top-level plan of "one horizontal and one vertical" for digital construction. The first horizontal includes three layers of capabilities of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, and the first vertical is a three-layer capability plan based on data acquisition, data analysis and data application
Multi technology integration
Integrating Tencent's cloud products, Internet of Things, big data, digital twins, artificial intelligence, low code, high-performance computing, security and other technical capabilities
Cloud edge architecture of the group's multi factories
This scheme uses cloud native technology to achieve cloud edge collaboration, focus on the scenario of enterprises building multiple factories in different places, realize the group's unified management of resources of edge factories, and realize remote deployment, operation and maintenance
Integrated software and hardware delivery
Tencent cloud industrial edge all-in-one machine is used as the hardware server to support software deployment, and IaaS resources are virtualized through the container cloud management platform. PaaS and SaaS software are deployed on the container cloud
Focus on customer application scenarios
Cooperate with Tencent's ecological partners to create application scenarios such as energy and carbon management, safety production, enterprise operation cockpit, equipment operation and maintenance, and digital twin factory, to address customers' actual scenario needs
Openness of platform products
Five PaaS platforms are provided, and the tools have the ability of secondary development. Customers and integrators can implement customized business development based on the tools; Customers and third-party applications can be integrated into the digital factory to achieve unified access

Application scenarios

Create a unified base for enterprise digital transformation
Provide a private cloud platform, and enterprises can deploy applications to achieve unified management and operation and maintenance of applications; The enterprise data is migrated to the private cloud platform to realize the unified storage of data; Solve the problem that the enterprise cannot manage the computer rooms in multiple places uniformly, and the existing server management is confused; The private cloud base can support customers' future business expansion and data storage growth
Enterprise cockpit, helping to make production transparent
The Internet of Things platform provided by the digital factory collects and analyzes OT equipment data, and provides an application integration platform to connect IT application data; Realize the integration of OT and IT data, accurate production data, and build various large screens and mobile terminal signage through the BI platform to realize the transparency of enterprise operation and production
Equipment management and maintenance, fine management of important equipment
The Internet of Things platform provided by the digital factory collects and analyzes OT equipment data, and the equipment management system connects with the Internet of Things platform to realize equipment fault alarm; Regular spot inspection, regular maintenance and regular maintenance of equipment; Realize predictive maintenance of equipment with AI algorithm platform
Energy carbon management system helps carbon reach peak and carbon neutralization
The Internet of Things platform provided by the digital factory collects and analyzes equipment data such as water, electricity and gas, and uses energy equipment data and AI algorithm platform to analyze and model, so as to make energy visible, understandable, well managed and improved
Safety and environment management system to ensure safe production
The Internet of Things platform provided by the digital factory collects environmental security sensor data and camera video stream, uses AI algorithm platform to analyze and model, and realizes all-round safety detection of people, things and factories in the production workshop, and intelligent assistance for workshop operation

Introduction to core competence

  • Equipment IoT
  • Application integration
  • Data visualization
  • Data Intelligence
Equipment IoT platform, unified management of equipment data
  • Device data collection, support Mainstream industrial equipment protocol, equipment point configuration, data preprocessing
  • Equipment data modeling, built-in multiple Industrial equipment models and key indicators, out of the box
  • Equipment data analysis, support real-time calculation and analysis, offline analysis, and timing analysis capabilities
  • The device configuration board is built with icons and components in various industrial fields, and the configuration board is built in a low code way

classic case

Huatuo Digital Factory

Help Sichuan Huatuo Group complete the selection of intelligent factories by relevant government departments in the new factory project; Realize business quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency increase; Meet the requirements of core customers for production process control to win more orders

Skyworth Digital Factory

Tencent Digital Factory helps customers complete the data collection of various equipment, the analysis of key data indicators of equipment, and realize the fine management of equipment; Realize paperless office in customer factory workshop through low code platform

China Railway Equipment Internet of Things Platform

China Railway has 10 categories of equipment, including 110000+conventional machinery and other large construction equipment; Tencent Digital Factory has helped customers achieve unified equipment access, equipment service, data sharing, etc., and established equipment index system

Foxconn Industrial Cloud

In the construction of Foxconn's new factory in Zhoukou, it helps customers build a highly available and scalable industrial cloud platform; Meet the requirements of customer production data and production information system for edge deployment and real-time response