Professional service, one step faster

Whenever and wherever, experts in various fields are around to help you improve business value.

Online support

7 * 24 Get help from professional engineers to quickly solve your problems

Communicate immediately


Convenient tools help you complete product operation and maintenance efficiently

Help Documents

Comprehensive product guide helps you go to the cloud easily


Experts from all walks of life help you solve technical problems

Online support

Online engineers help you solve problems efficiently

7 x 24 hour work order

Engineers provide you with all-weather work order service

7 x 24-hour hotline

four billion nine million one hundred thousand and one hundred

From various technical fields, it has rich experience in industry services, helping enterprises transform into digital enterprises on the cloud.

Exclusive services

Tencent cloud expert support

Exclusive senior technical experts of Tencent Cloud, combined with rich front-line experience, quickly locate problems and provide the best solution.

Migration full process service

Senior technical experts assess the technical feasibility of the migration and provide consulting services from product selection to application architecture for customer business systems.

Special technical support

During the migration process, various special tools such as cloud test, migration tool (MSP), health and safety inspection are provided to ensure the smooth cutover of customer business systems.

Cloud structure optimization

Tencent cloud experts have a deep understanding of various products of Tencent Cloud, and have accumulated profound experience in optimizing the architecture of customers in various industries on the cloud. They can carry out special optimization of the architecture according to customers' business.

Exclusive service guarantee team

During the escort service, Tencent Cloud will set up a dedicated service guarantee team for you to provide 7x24 hours of operation and maintenance support for Tencent Cloud related cloud products.

Exclusive technical support

Allocate exclusive senior technical experts to carry out 1V1 on-site service and coordinate and handle various resources.

Second level emergency response

Respond to emergencies within one minute, and provide 7x24 hours of emergency treatment and operation and maintenance support services.

Pass the peak period steadily

Senior technical experts will provide you with exclusive escort service to help you get through the service peak.

Cloud migration service

Cloud architecture consulting, cloud solution implementation, database cloud solution and implementation, cloud data migration on websites.

Cloud system construction

Basic website environment construction and cloud resource basic configuration.

On cloud system support

Provide 7 * 24 cloud system operation and maintenance management and support services.

Cloud system optimization

Database optimization, database health diagnosis, database online emergency rescue.

Expert migration service

  • Tencent cloud expert support

    Exclusive senior technical experts of Tencent Cloud, combined with rich front-line experience, quickly locate problems and provide the best solution.

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    Migration full process service

    Senior technical experts assess the technical feasibility of the migration and provide consulting services from product selection to application architecture for customer business systems.

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    Special technical support

    During the migration process, various special tools such as cloud test, migration tool (MSP), health and safety inspection are provided to ensure the smooth cutover of customer business systems.

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    Cloud structure optimization

    Tencent cloud experts have a deep understanding of various products of Tencent Cloud, and have accumulated profound experience in optimizing the architecture of customers in various industries on the cloud. They can carry out special optimization of the architecture according to customers' business.

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Escort service

  • Exclusive service guarantee team

    During the escort service, Tencent Cloud will set up a dedicated service guarantee team for you to provide 7x24 hours of operation and maintenance support for Tencent Cloud related cloud products.

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    Exclusive technical support

    Allocate exclusive senior technical experts to carry out 1V1 on-site service and coordinate and handle various resources.

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    Second level emergency response

    Respond to emergencies within one minute, and provide 7x24 hours of emergency treatment and operation and maintenance support services.

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    Pass the peak period steadily

    Senior technical experts will provide you with exclusive escort service to help you get through the service peak.

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Regional Authorization Service

  • Cloud migration service

    Cloud architecture consulting, cloud solution implementation, database cloud solution and implementation, cloud data migration on websites.

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    Cloud system construction

    Basic website environment construction and cloud resource basic configuration.

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    On cloud system support

    Provide 7 * 24 cloud system operation and maintenance management and support services.

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    Cloud system optimization

    Database optimization, database health diagnosis, database online emergency rescue.

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