Smart transportation solutions

Baidu's intelligent transportation solutions are based on the products and technologies of cloud intelligence integration, and are aimed at logistics, ports, aviation, urban rail, roads and other fields to build a comprehensive and interconnected intelligent transportation engine, help transport enterprises build intelligent service capabilities, and help transport enterprises improve their own competitiveness in terms of transport efficiency, security, passenger/cargo experience, etc.

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Value of transportation and logistics solutions

  • Ensure transportation safety

    Integrate vision, voice, GIS, Internet of Things and other technologies to monitor, manage, analyze the transportation process of personnel, facilities and equipment, find abnormalities as soon as possible, and alarm and handle them to avoid accidents.

  • Improve operation efficiency

    Through rich perception technology, timely grasp the transportation status and assist human resources in handling; Based on the powerful operation research and scheduling algorithm, it can improve the efficiency of resource allocation and save energy and efficiency.

  • Ensure service quality

    Use rich technical means to help diversify the service means of passengers and cargo owners and improve the quality of transportation services; Various platform and self-service services ensure convenient and comfortable transportation process.

  • Accumulate enterprise digital assets

    Precipitate data assets and realize data intelligence; Promote knowledge accumulation and inheritance, and improve personnel efficiency; Reuse AI capabilities to reduce repeated construction investment; Fully support intelligent construction and help enterprises complete digital transformation.

Transport logistics solution architecture

Facing the road, port, aviation, urban rail, logistics and other fields in the transportation and logistics industry, with the cloud, big data, IOT as the digital base, AI as the intelligent engine, the cloud intelligence integration helps the industry reduce costs and increase efficiency, and digital intelligence transformation.

 Transport logistics solution architecture

Panorama of transportation and logistics solutions

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More customer choices

Baidu Smart Cloud has rich experience in the landing of intelligent products. It has a large number of mature cases in civil aviation, rail, urban transportation, ports, logistics and transportation, and is recognized and trusted by many customers.

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Partner ecology

Baidu Intelligent Cloud selects high-quality and reliable partners to jointly build China Digital Smart Transport

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