One stop trademark registration management platform

Professional services help to avoid risks | Quick review is as fast as 1 minute | Buy and use millions of good marks | Smart trademark registration time limited special offers
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Trademark registration
Smart application registration, expert assisted registration, supreme worry free registration and other modes meet the needs of different users and are more professional, faster and more intelligent
Smart application registration
0 service fee, for users who have certain experience in trademark application and can independently assess risks
Self service, fast delivery, cost-effective first choice
Self service query of free trademark database, and check the first similar trademarks
Strictly review application materials to reduce the risk of rejection
One new user's exclusive price is limited
two hundred and seventy
Original price: 318 yuan
Special offer for new customers
Expert assisted registration
Professional process agency, applicable to new users with no experience in trademark risk assessment and category selection
Experts first approximate trademark screening to avoid risks and improve success rate
Professional consultants evaluate and analyze trademark demand and optimize registration scheme
One to one service, the whole process is handled by specially assigned person, and registration is more secure
four hundred and ninety-nine
Supreme worry free registration
Accurate assessment improves the pass rate, which is applicable to users who want to avoid registration risks such as blind check and subjective judgment
Avoid registration risks such as blind check, and refund in full if all are rejected
Professionals accurately assess, reduce risk and improve success rate
Professional consultants provide one-on-one services, and the application process is handled on a full agency basis
one thousand six hundred and eighty
Selected high-quality trademarks
Select brand recommendations, buy it now, use it now, and open the road to brand upgrading
Trademark transaction/maintenance
A large number of trademarks are bought and used immediately, professional trademark confirmation and maintenance services are provided to protect brand rights and interests
Selected trademark transactions
Massive ready-made trademarks, professional trademark purchase platform, expert whole process service, ease of transaction
Standardized process, professional quality assurance
Regular standard source, quick access to favorite trademarks
Buy and use the trademark to help upgrade the brand
Buy now and use now
Trademark rejection review
Experts provide services throughout the process, which is applicable to users who still want to win the rejected trademark after their trademark registration applications are rejected
Apply within 30 days after receiving the notice of trademark rejection
Professionally formulate high-quality rejection review scheme
Professional review and analysis is reassuring
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine
Trademark intelligent monitoring
Intelligently monitor the name of the designated trademark and the applicant's related trademark to show the potential risks of rejection, dissent and revocation in the trademark, and inform the risk dynamics in real time through SMS, WeChat and email.
Apply within 12 months before the expiration of the trademark
Transparent process, real-time grasp of application progress
Competitive price, professional service, whole journey escort
Restricted exemption for the top 100
Trademark extension service
A large number of trademarks are bought and used immediately, professional trademark confirmation and maintenance services are provided to protect brand rights and interests
Trademark confirmation and maintenance
Trademark opposition defense | Trademark transfer application | Trademark change application
Protect brand rights
Trademark withdrawal application | trademark license filing | invalid declaration application
Trademark opposition defense
It is applicable to users who are objected by others during the publicity period of trademark application and want to apply for defense to recover the registration.
eight hundred and fifty
Trademark transfer application
It is applicable to users who need to transfer their own trademarks to others, and shall submit an application for transfer to the Trademark Office in accordance with trademark laws and regulations.
eight hundred and fifty
Trademark change application
It is applicable to users who need to change the registered items such as the name and address of the registered trademark registrant.
two hundred
Trademark cancellation application
It is applicable to users who need to revoke others' trademarks (registered for three years and not used) due to malicious seizure of trademark resources.
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Reply to the Third Cancellation of Trademark
It is applicable to users who wish to submit a defense application to the Trademark Office to reserve the right to use their trademarks when their trademarks are revoked by others.
one thousand three hundred and fifty
Trademark opposition application
It is applicable to users who have been applied for trademark infringement by others and wish to file an objection application during their publicity period to prevent registration.
one thousand and eight hundred
Application process
Is trademark application complicated? The whole process of Baidu trademark service is transparent, and can be assisted by experts throughout the process. It is easier to operate and easier to apply!
Why choose us?
More professional trademark service process and better trademark application experience
professional services
Senior trademark consultant provides services
Professional trademark retrieval, registration and consultation
Carefree registration
Agency for the whole process of trademark application (non self registration)
Exclusive consultants provide services, and the progress is known in real time
Fast delivery
OCR identification data, filling in more quickly
Application materials shall be submitted to the Trademark Office within one minute (non working days shall be postponed to the next day)
Quality assurance
Higher registration success rate and more accurate registration results
The quality of trademark service is guaranteed
Good trademark makes good brand · Baidu Smart Cloud Selected Trademark Trading Service