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Virtual reality core technology suite VRCORE

Document Center Virtual reality core technology suite VRCORE

Virtual reality core technology suite VRCORE

The Virtual Reality Core Technology Suite Content Display SDK is a technology for rendering and displaying VR content. Its function is to render 3D models, 3D rings, panoramic pictures, and panoramic videos. It is applied to VR e-commerce, VR house viewing, VR car viewing and other application scenarios to solve the difficulties of cross platform support and multi category rendering, and help developers to achieve full platform, full content, high-performance display and management of VR content.

Learning Path

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Understand the product features, advantages and use scenarios of VRCORE, so that you can have a global understanding of VRCORE.

quick get start

This section describes how to use the console to quickly create a VR presentation application, learn to create an application, configure basic information, and deploy the SDK.

SDK download

According to different platforms, we provide three SDKs in total.

SDK Documentation

Using the SDK to complete some repetitive work can greatly save time and energy.