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Content audit platform

Document Center Content audit platform

Content audit platform

Baidu content audit platform is a service platform for intelligent audit of multimedia content. It has precise audit model, rich audit dimensions, flexible rule configuration and other characteristics. Through interface selection of audit dimensions and personalized adjustment of tightness, it can automatically detect illegal content related to politics, pornography, terrorism, malicious promotion, and reduce the risk of business violations.

Learning Path

Step by step to guide you to comprehensively understand content audit


Understand what is content audit, functional features, advantages and scenarios, so that you can have a comprehensive understanding of content audit

Expense description

Each interface provides a certain amount of free calls for testing. After exceeding the free amount, enter the console, find the corresponding interface in the "Overview" page, select the corresponding payment method, and click Activate or Purchase.

Scenario Introduction

Detailed introduction to different audit scenarios, including their application scenarios, product functions, use processes, default policies, etc

Developer Reference

Detailed introduction to different audit scenarios, including their application scenarios, product functions, use processes, default policies, etc

common problem