The sex ratio of marriageable population is unbalanced. The number of men aged 20-40 is 17.52 million more than that of women

The sex ratio of marriageable population is unbalanced. The number of men aged 20-40 is 17.52 million more than that of women
21:33, June 16, 2024 User 1649173367

[# Unbalanced sex ratio of marriageable population #, # 17.52 million more men than women aged 20-40 #] According to He Yafu, a demographer who has been tracking marriage registration data for a long time, the reason for the decline of marriage registration data in the first quarter of 2024 is the decline in the number of young people. According to the data from the Seventh Census, China's post-80s, post-90s and post-00s living population is 215 million, 178 million and 155 million respectively. Secondly, the gender ratio of marriageable population is unbalanced, with 17.52 million more men aged 20-40 than women. These structural problems, to a large extent, determine the development of China's future population situation# The marriage registration in the first quarter decreased by 178000 pairs on a year-on-year basis#

In addition, the postponement of the age of first marriage is also an important reason. According to the census data, the average age of first marriage in China in 2010 was 25.75 years for men and 24 years for women; In 2020, the average age of first marriage will rise to 29.38 for men and 27.95 for women.

The marriage cost is too high, the economic pressure is too great, and the change of the concept of marriage and childbearing is also affecting people's marriage and childbearing behavior. In today's society, buying a house has become one of the necessary conditions for many people to get married. The housing prices in some big cities have already exceeded the economic affordability of ordinary wage earners. In some rural areas, the high price of betrothal gifts has made many young men unable to marry. (Interface)

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