Hebei Maikang Health Consulting Service Co., Ltd
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Hebei Maikang Health Consulting Service Co., Ltd

The purpose of the company is to serve the people., It is a large comprehensive emergency center integrating external use of automobiles, science and education, prevention, and long and short distance transportation! The center has 120 ambulances, such as Mercedes Benz ambulances, Toyota ambulances, Ford V348 ambulances, etc. The driver with rich driving experience will guarantee your safe arrival at the destination! Command and dispatch Beijing 120 Ambulance First Aid Center sets up rental stations according to the regional area, population distribution, etc., and unifies the working conditions and service standards of personnel according to the requirements of the city. The system has been standardized.   Emergencies Unexpected events are unpredictable. In order to do a good job in the rescue work of various emergencies, the Center adheres to the principle of combining peacetime and wartime, establishes an operating mechanism for emergency work, establishes an emergency echelon, actively organizes to participate in combat drills, and improves emergency response capability. Completed the emergency rescue task of emergencies.   Logistics support The center undertakes the first aid support for various large-scale conferences, major sports events and various recreational activities held in Beijing. We have successfully completed the guarantee tasks for the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games, the 60th National Day celebration and other activities. Adhering to the purpose of "respecting life, caring for health, the people's hospital, and serving the people", we are committed to building a service system of "all staff, heart and soul, and the whole process", and strive to build a harmony center of "doctors and patients, zero quality defects, zero service complaints, zero environment, and zero security obstacles". In the face of new situations and challenges, Beijing Ambulance Emergency Center aims to promote "special..."【 View details

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Business Information

Business information
  • Hebei Maikang Health Consulting Service Co., Ltd
  • Ambulance rental, 120 ambulance rental, Beijing ambulance rental, Beijing long-distance ambulance rental
  • Haidian, Beijing
  • Ambulance rental, 120 ambulance rental, Beijing ambulance rental, Beijing long-distance ambulance rental
  • Self-employed
  • May 11, 2009 to September 11, 2031
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Company Information

  • Hebei Maikang Health Consulting Service Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 123 days
  • Maikang ambulance transfer
  • Self-employed
  • 2010-01-01
  • Ambulance rental, 120 ambulance rental, Beijing Rescue
  • Beijing Haidian Set up branches nationwide - send vehicles to nearby stations

contact information

  • Mr. Zhang
  • 򈊡򈊥򈊦򈊠򈊡򈊢򈊣򈊨򈊡򈊢򈊠
  • eighteen billion two hundred and eleven million one hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-one
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 123 days
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About us
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Name: Hebei Maikang Health Consulting Service Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊥򈊦򈊠򈊡򈊢򈊣򈊨򈊡򈊢򈊠
Address: a branch set up nationwide - dispatching cars to nearby stations
Main products
Ambulance rental, 120 ambulance rental, Beijing ambulance rental, Beijing long-distance ambulance rental

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