How is Hanchuan medical insurance reimbursed in Yunmeng

Updated: 2023-10-25 11:33:16
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How is Hanchuan medical insurance reimbursed in Yunmeng
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    Legal analysis: The medical insurance reimbursement process is as follows:
    The insured shall pay the deposit for hospitalization first with their ID cards and doctor admission arrangements. When discharged from the hospital, go to the hospital charge office to settle the discharge expenses. Then submit the hospitalization documents, charge documents, medical insurance cards and ID cards of the insured to the medical institutions in charge for reimbursement. Legal basis:《 Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China
    Article 2 The State shall establish social insurance systems such as basic old-age insurance, basic medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance, etc., to protect citizens' right to material assistance from the State and society in accordance with law in cases of old age, disease, work-related injury, unemployment, maternity, etc.
    Article 26 The treatment standards of basic medical insurance for employees, new rural cooperative medical insurance and basic medical insurance for urban residents shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the State.
    Article 28 Medical expenses that meet the requirements of the basic medical insurance drug catalogue, diagnosis and treatment items, medical service facility standards, and emergency and rescue shall be paid from the basic medical insurance fund in accordance with state regulations.
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    Please ask the medical insurance department about this problem
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