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  • nineteen 2024-09
    Can I return the car after the car loan? The answer is yes, but it needs to be repaid in advance and may involve liquidated damages. This article will explain in detail the prepayment of car loans
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The time of debt performance is the date or period when the debtor performs its obligations as specified in the contract. The debt set off in bankruptcy has specific conditions, and has
  • nineteen 2024-09
    If the car loan is refundable, the bank regulations should be followed and possible liquidated damages should be paid. Prepayment procedures involve submission of materials, review of agreements
  • nineteen 2024-09
    Are interest IOUs protected by law? The answer is: it depends on whether the agreement is legal. As long as the interest agreement is within the legal scope, it is insured
  • nineteen 2024-09
    How to write a regular interest IOU? The formal interest IOU shall clearly indicate the full names of the borrower and borrower, the loan term, the total amount of interest and the payer
  • nineteen 2024-09
    How can the divorce lender change the past? In case of divorce, if it is necessary to change the main lender of the house loan, it can repay the loan in advance or negotiate with the bank to change it. yes...
  • nineteen 2024-09
    How to compensate for the loss of portrait right? According to the regulations, the amount of compensation should take into account the degree of fault, means of infringement and other factors. The infringer does not constitute a penalty
  • nineteen 2024-09
    How to sue for disputes over portrait right? First, clarify the purpose and reason, and prepare the indictment and information of both parties. When the indictment is submitted, it is necessary to attach
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The dispute of portrait right belongs to civil dispute, involving civil liability. The victims can protect their rights through civil means, including stopping the infringement and paying compensation
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The act of a mistress is not protected by law because it violates marriage morality and legal order. Although there is no direct legal liability provision, the "junior" line
  • nineteen 2024-09
    There is a burial fee for old people when they die. The specific amount and standard vary from region to region, but the state implements funeral subsidies in rural areas. This article is detailed in
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The funeral expenses for the elderly after death are not inheritance, but distributed by close relatives and dependents. The distribution of the estate is based on the will or legal succession order
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The application for the construction permit of a construction project first requires project research and report to the government for approval, and then submit to the planning department to form a fixed-point and design notice
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The project quality guarantee deposit can be paid in advance under specific conditions. The quality guarantee deposit is set to ensure the repair of project quality problems. If the construction unit
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The project quality guarantee deposit is not directly counted as the project payment. The project quality guarantee deposit is not equal to the project payment, but is independent of the project price
  • nineteen 2024-09
    The direct contracting of the project needs to meet a number of conditions: the preparation permit is available to ensure the legitimacy of the preparation process; Handle construction projects and construction land
  • nineteen 2024-09
    Project bidding includes filing of bidding qualification, determination of bidding method, issuance of bidding announcement, prequalification, preparation of bidding documents, and site survey
  • nineteen 2024-09
    For the settlement of project costs, if both parties have not signed the contract, it is recommended to reach a settlement consensus through negotiation. If negotiation fails, settlement visa can be signed
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