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2022 Announcement on Recruitment of One Village Assistant in Weizhen Town, Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

2022-07-19 14:49:53 Source: Weizhen Town, Sihui City, Zhaoqing City

In order to strengthen the construction of the village (community) "Touyan" team in our town and strengthen the strategic reserve of front-line talents at the grass-roots level, we have decided to recruit the assistant secretary (director) of the village (community) party organization (hereinafter referred to as the "village assistant") to the public. The relevant matters are announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment quantity and position

Our town has recruited one village assistant (see Annex 1 for the job table), whose main responsibilities are: to assist the secretary (director) of the village (community) party organization in implementing key work such as grass-roots party building, rural revitalization, and grass-roots governance.

2、 Recruitment objects and conditions

(1) Recruitment target

Village assistants are reserved candidates for the key training of village (community) party organization secretaries. They are generally recruited from the village (community) "two committees" cadres, village (residents) group leaders, social workers, migrant workers and businessmen, returned college students, and retired soldiers.

(2) Conditional requirements

(1) Having the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Be firm in political stance and resolutely safeguard the interests of the Party and the country;

(3) Have strong willingness to serve the masses, serve the grassroots and take root in the grassroots;

(4) The age is generally between 18 and 40 years old (that is, born from May 31, 1982 to May 30, 2004). Those who dare to take responsibility, are actively dedicated, and have outstanding performance in the prevention and control of COVID-19 will be selected first. The age of outstanding people can be appropriately extended to below 45 years old (that is, born after May 31, 1977);

(5) Those who have a college degree or above recognized by the state and apply for the examination as fresh graduates must obtain a diploma by September 30, 2022 at the latest;

(6) Having the physical condition to perform the duties normally;

(7) Meet other qualifications required by the recruitment position.

Under any of the following circumstances, applicants shall not apply for the examination:

(1) Publicly making statements that go against the Party's theory, line and policy, defame the image of the Party and the country, participate in illegal organizations and activities, and create or spread political rumors;

(2) Organized and incited mass incidents, gathered illegally in public places, blocked and attacked state organs, incited, connected, intimidated or lured others with property, manipulated others' letters and visits behind the scenes and other acts in violation of the Regulations on Letters and Calls;

(3) Those who have violated the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, such as disrupting public order, impeding public security, infringing personal rights and property rights, and impeding social management, have received administrative penalties for public security, or are being audited, subject to disciplinary review, or suspected of committing a crime because of suspected violations of discipline and law, and the judicial process has not yet ended;

(4) Once served as a village assistant or currently serves as a village assistant;

(5) Having husband and wife, parents, children, brothers and sisters relationships with the current members of the "two committees" of the village (community);

(6) Violation of discipline and law in recruitment (employment) examination, physical examination and investigation of organs and institutions in recent 2 years;

(7) Other situations where it is not suitable to employ as a village assistant.

3、 Recruitment procedures

(1) Sign up

Time and method of registration: Before 18:00 on July 20, 2022, candidates will send the required information to the designated mailbox Or sign up on site, and will not be accepted after the registration time.

If on-site registration is adopted, candidates shall register at the Party Construction Office of our town within the registration time. The application materials to be submitted during on-site registration include: Zhaoqing City 2022 Public Recruitment Village Assistant Registration Form (candidates download Annex 2, print it on A4 paper, and paste an inch color bareheaded recent photo of themselves), copies of ID cards, household registration books, education and degree certificates (graduates who have not yet obtained graduation certificates can provide employment recommendation forms for ordinary college graduates); If online registration is adopted, the examinee will send the scanned copy of the registration materials (as above) to the email address designated by the applicant within the registration time.

(2) Qualification examination

No on-site qualification review will be arranged for this recruitment. Online registration and online qualification review will be carried out at the same time. The results of qualification review will be notified to the candidates before the written examination, and the candidates who have passed the qualification review will be issued with admission cards.

(3) Examination

The competitive selection examination is carried out in accordance with the regulations. The examination is initially scheduled to take place in July 2022, and will be conducted in the form of written examination and interview.

1. Written examination. The written examination mainly assesses basic abilities (party building business knowledge, document writing and processing, professional ability test, etc.). The time and place of the written examination will be listed on the admission card.

The total score of the written examination is 100 points, and the written examination results and the written examination qualification line will be announced within 10 working days after the written examination.

2. Interview. The interviewees shall be determined according to the ratio of 1:3 of the number of written examinees. If the number of qualified candidates fails to reach the specified proportion, the number of qualified candidates shall be determined. Structured interview is adopted for the interview. The interview mainly focuses on the comprehensive analysis ability, practical problem solving ability, language expression ability, behavior and appearance of candidates.

Qualification review shall be conducted before the interview. Candidates for the interview shall truthfully provide the original and copies of the following certificates (certificates), materials: new graduates shall bring their household register (or the household registration certificate issued by the public security organ in the place where their household registration is located), valid identity certificates, academic and degree certificates, application forms and examination permits; Past graduates must bring their household register (or the household registration certificate issued by the public security organ in the place where their household registration is located), valid ID cards, education and degree certificates, application forms and examination permits.

The interviewee must conduct qualification review and interview at the specified time and place. Those who fail to participate in the qualification review and interview within the specified time shall be deemed to have given up automatically. Those who fail to pass the qualification review shall not participate in the interview and may fill in the interviewees in turn. The interview qualification will be cancelled if the relevant material information is untrue and affects the qualification review result.

The full score of the interview is 100 points. There is no qualified score line for the interview, and the results will be announced on the spot after the interview.

The total score of the examination is 100 points, and the calculation method of the total score passing score is written examination passing score × 40%+interview passing score × 60%. If the comprehensive scores of the candidates for the same position are the same, the ranking shall be determined in order of the written test scores and the interviewer's scores. If the written test scores and the interviewer's scores are still the same, the final ranking shall be determined by the additional test scores. Those whose comprehensive scores are lower than the qualification level will not be included in the scope of physical examination.

(4) Physical examination

The list of candidates for physical examination shall be announced together with their comprehensive scores within 5 working days after the interview. The objects of physical examination shall be determined according to the ratio of 1:1 of the number of positions to be recruited and the order of the total score of the examination. Candidates who give up or fail to pass the physical examination can fill in the candidates according to the total score from high to low. The standard of physical examination shall refer to the General Standard for Physical Examination of Publicly Recruited Personnel in Public Institutions of Guangdong Province, and the cost of physical examination shall be borne by the examinee.

(5) Inspection

Our town determines the candidates for village assistant investigation in the order of 1:1 according to the examination scores from high to low, and sets up a joint investigation team to investigate the political quality, working ability, development potential and other aspects of the candidates by means of household investigation, data access, and mass visits, so as to form investigation materials.

(6) Determine candidates

According to the investigation, our town will collectively discuss and determine the proposed candidates for village assistants, and publicize them in relevant villages (communities) for at least 5 working days. If there is no objection after publicity, they shall be employed as village assistants. If the candidate for investigation is not suitable, the candidate gives up the qualification for investigation, or it is found that the candidate has problems and is not suitable for employment when it is publicized, the candidate shall be investigated from the highest to the lowest according to the examination scores, and then the supplementary candidate shall be determined through collective research.

(7) Go through formalities

After the period of publicity expires, if there is no problem or the problem is verified not to affect the employment, our town will sign a labor contract with the village assistant.

4、 Remuneration

(1) Village assistants are contract employees and do not occupy the staffing of government agencies and institutions.

(2) The salary treatment shall refer to the treatment standard of the staff (i.e. government employees) employed by the government institutions in Sihui City.

(3) If the current village cadres are employed as village assistants, the subsidies shall be implemented from the highest level and shall not be received repeatedly.

5、 Other matters

(1) The examination was carried out under the normalization of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control. Candidates should do a good job in registration, examination and other work according to the relevant prevention and control requirements. If the recruitment time is adjusted due to the impact of the epidemic situation, our town will make reasonable arrangements based on a comprehensive consideration of various factors, and issue an announcement on the relevant website in a timely manner. Please pay attention to it.

(2) This recruitment does not specify any reference books and materials, nor does it hold or entrust any institution to hold exam coaching training courses. Any tutoring classes, websites or publications, reference materials, Internet access cards, etc. held in the name of the examination proposition group, specialized training institutions, etc. in the society have nothing to do with this recruitment.

(3) The entrance examination permit is an important certificate for applicants to participate in all aspects of recruiting village assistants. Please keep it properly. When taking the written examination, qualification reexamination, interview and physical examination, the applicants must carry the examination permit and their resident ID card (consistent with the registration).

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Weizhen Town Public Recruitment Village Assistant Position Table

Registration Form of Zhaoqing Public Recruitment Village Assistant in 2022

People's Government of Weizhen Town, Sihui City

July 13, 2022

Original title: Announcement on Public Recruitment of Village Assistants in Weizhen Town, Sihui City


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