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2022 Written Examination Announcement on Recruitment of University Graduates to the Village in Guxian County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province

2022-07-18 17:53:09 Source: People's Government of Guxian County

The leading group of Guxian County's public recruitment of college graduates to the village decided to hold a written examination of Guxian County's public recruitment of college graduates to the village on July 24, 2022. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Written examination time: 9:00-11:00 on July 24, 2022

2、 Place of written examination: Guxian No. 1 Middle School

Specific address: Zhangzhuang Community, Yueyang Town, Guxian County

3、 Print the admission card

Submission of epidemic prevention materials: 9:00 a.m. on July 21, 2022 to 18:00 p.m. on July 23, 2022.

Admission card printing: 9:00 a.m. on July 21, 2022 to 18:00 p.m. on July 23, 2022.

Before printing the examination permit, you need to submit epidemic prevention materials. Candidates can log on the website of the People's Government of Gu County( )Submit epidemic prevention materials, download and print the entrance examination permit by yourself after passing the review. If you encounter any problems during the download and printing process, please contact the leading group office of Gu County for recruiting college students.

Candidates should carefully read the relevant contents and precautions of the exam admission card, prepare for the exam in advance, and properly keep their own exam admission card for use in the written exam and other aspects of this recruitment.

4、 Precautions

(1) Before entering the examination center, candidates should ensure that they have no suspected symptoms of COVID-19, no contact history with people in severe epidemic areas, no residence history in severe epidemic areas, and no other suspected conditions within 7 days before the examination. Candidates with health code and itinerary code other than green code, or those who have lived in the past 7 days with moderate or high risk of epidemic disease, and have had close contact with people with confirmed, suspected or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection, are not allowed to take the exam. Candidates should do a good job of personal protection, and bring their own disposable medical masks or surgical masks. In addition to wearing masks as required when checking their identity, they should wear masks when entering the examination site and during the written examination.

(2) On the opening day of the exam, the examinee must submit the Letter of Commitment on Health Management Information signed by himself, the health code within 24 hours before the written exam, the travel code (color print), and the negative proof of nucleic acid detection within 48 hours before the written exam (paper version) to the staff.

(3) Candidates must reserve sufficient time for admission. It is recommended that they arrive at the written examination site 90 minutes in advance to cooperate with the staff in temperature measurement, health code, travel code, negative proof of nucleic acid detection within 48 hours, identity information verification and other work. If the temperature of the examinee is found to be ≥ 37.3 ℃, it is necessary to accept the temperature retest on site. For those whose temperature is ≥ 37.3 ℃ for three consecutive times, the examination team of the examination site shall determine whether to transfer to the isolated examination room for examination.

(4) You should bring pens or signature pens with black handwriting, 2B pencils, erasers and other stationery to take the exam. It is forbidden to bring mobile phones, electronics, communications, computing, storage or other devices to the seat during the exam. During the examination, please consciously accept the supervision and inspection of the staff, store the items as required, and take the right seats. No admission is allowed 30 minutes after the start of the exam, and no papers shall be handed in or withdrawn in advance during the exam. Please consciously obey the management and take the integrity test.

(5) Please protect your answer information. After the written examination, the examinee's answers will be tested for similarity. Those identified as identical will be dealt with according to the Regulations on Handling Disciplinary Violations in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions. After the examination, answer cards, test questions and draft papers should be sorted out and placed on the desk. All of them should be returned and should not be taken out of the examination room.

(6) Please truthfully fill in your personal epidemic prevention and control information. If you conceal or falsely report key epidemic prevention and control information, such as your travel history, contact history, and health status, and do not cooperate with the staff in epidemic prevention testing, inquiry, screening, and medical treatment, resulting in serious consequences, you shall bear the corresponding responsibility.

(7) Those who are unable to take the written examination due to personal reasons and do not meet the epidemic prevention requirements will be regarded as abandoning the examination.

Tel: 0357-8322400 0357-6129331

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Candidate Health Management Commitment

Guxian County openly recruits college graduates to the village work leading group office

July 18, 2022

Original title: Guxian County Public Recruitment of University Graduates to Work in the Village Written Examination Announcement in 2022


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