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Detailed explanation of policies after the expiration of college student village officials (2)

2017-06-27 15:22:12 Source: Public Education College Student Village Official Examination Network   

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(2) Recruit civil servants on a selective basis

College student village officials can participate in the recruitment of civil servants for social unified organizations.

College student village officials can participate in the targeted examination of civil servants for college student village officials after their employment expires and they are assessed to be competent, and they are recommended and approved by the county-level organizations, human resources and social security departments. Civil servants, especially township civil servants, who are targeted for college students to take part in the village official orientation examination, should reach a certain proportion of the examination plan that year.

College student village officials who have served a full term of employment, been elected and served as deputy posts or above of the "two committees" of the village, have excellent assessment, outstanding achievements, and are recognized by the masses, can serve as township section level leading cadres through public selection; Those who meet the conditions for nominating candidates for the change of township leadership can be recommended as candidates for the change of office according to the procedure. College student village officials who have been elected as leaders of the township party and government organs or publicly selected as leading cadres at the township section level shall register as civil servants within the national administrative quota in accordance with relevant regulations.

College student village officials who have been in office for more than 2 years and have the conditions and qualifications for candidates can participate in the unified recruitment of candidates after being recommended by the organization. The selected students are mainly recruited from college student village officials with more than 2 years of grassroots work experience, and gradually realize the integration of the selected students and college student village officials.

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