2024 The First Boshu College Students Cultural and Creative Arts Festival Opens Jingyue District - Area Module Wang Jinshun three million eight hundred and fifty-six thousand four hundred and twenty-nine
2024 The First Boshu College Students Cultural and Creative Arts Festival Opens Jingyue District - Area Module Wang Jinshun three million eight hundred and fifty-six thousand four hundred and twenty-nine
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"Government, school and enterprise" set up a platform to help create "golden fruit"

2024 The First Boshu College Students Cultural and Creative Arts Festival Opens

2024-06-12 16:05      Source: China Jilin Network

In the afternoon of June 12, sponsored by Boshuo Sub district Office of Changchun Jingyue High tech Zone, undertaken by Jilin Xunchi Business Group Co., Ltd., co organized by the Publicity Department of the Party Working Committee, the Bureau of Commerce, the Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Jingyue High tech Zone, the Social Affairs Department of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the 103.8 Jilin Traffic Radio, the first Boshuo University Students Cultural and Creative Arts Festival was grandly opened in the hall on the first floor of Xunchi Shopping Plaza. Sun Hongjian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jingyue High tech Zone, and main responsible comrades of relevant departments of Jingyue High tech Zone participated in this activity.

It is reported that this activity invited teachers and students from four colleges and universities in Boshuo Neighborhood, namely Northeast Normal University, Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changchun Humanities College and Jilin Police College, extensively solicited excellent cultural and creative works, attracted the enthusiastic attention and active participation of nearly 10000 college students, and received more than 1000 works with unique originality, creativity and imagination, In the end, more than 200 outstanding works stood out and were exhibited from June 12 to 18. At the same time, the youth filled art festival attracted wide attention from all walks of life. More than 100 enterprises not only attended the event, but also some enterprises enthusiastically provided sponsorship support. The responsible persons of relevant enterprises had in-depth exchanges with college students and teachers, and reached preliminary cooperation intentions with the school around the focus issues of entrepreneurship and employment that students pay attention to.

At the opening ceremony of the festival, Wang Hongyi, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Boshuo Sub district, introduced the profound background and significance of planning and organizing this event, which is precisely for the purpose of deeply implementing the national innovation driven development strategy, actively implementing the call of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, giving full play to the talent gathering effect, serving and retaining talents for Jilin Province, Stimulate college students' enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Among the 199 outstanding works on display, there are 8 categories, including craft, pattern printing, toy animation, IP image design, book binding design, and four theme exhibition areas, namely, new ideas and good gifts, healthy peers, shaping life, and safe China. Each exhibition area fully demonstrates the characteristics of each school and the innovative thinking of college students with an international vision and fashion orientation. With the help of Boshu Street, participating universities and participating enterprises, we will build a new platform for students to start their own businesses, help them achieve the goal of making their works live, expanding their value, and transforming their businesses, and constantly gather high-quality cultural and creative industry resources for the development of "innovative Boshu", truly turn works into commodities, and empower the development of new quality productivity with cultural creation, Open up a new track for high-quality development. It is understood that after the exhibition of the art week, all the entries can be displayed and sold in the designated area of Centrino Plaza for a long time.

On the opening day of the festival, four colleges and universities also brought wonderful singing and dancing performances. Amid the applause and cheers of the audience, the scene atmosphere was extremely warm and climaxed. In this cultural event to show creativity, exchange ideas and collide wisdom, a feast of art and beauty was perfectly presented to everyone.

The team leader from Northeast Normal University told the reporter: "This is a good opportunity for learning and exchange, which will be of great help to our students' innovation and entrepreneurship in the future. I really appreciate Boshuo Street's ability to build such a large high-quality platform for us, and especially thank the exhibitors for their support and encouragement to the students' creativity and works. I hope this expectation and beauty can continue next year."

The relevant person in charge of the event sponsor revealed that the leading group of the Boshuo Street Party Working Committee had studied and decided that while fully implementing the details of the event, they had begun to plan the next college students' cultural and creative arts festival, continued to deepen the cultural and creative field, led more colleges and students to participate in, and created a cultural and creative competition brand with broad social influence, Promote the vigorous development of cultural and creative undertakings, and accumulate strength and contribute wisdom to the high-quality development of the regional economy of Jingyue High tech Zone.

Jike APP of China Jilin Network

Reporter Wang Yin

Intern reporter Chang Yanan

Edited by: Wang Jinshun Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222