Bugly Unity Plugin User Guide

Preparation before access

Please read carefully before accessing the sdk《 Developer Compliance Guide 》And《 Bugly SDK Personal Information Protection Rules


Bugly Unity Plugin Is designed for Unity The crash/exception capture component developed for the platform's mobile terminal (iOS/Android) game app can automatically capture the C # script's unhandled exceptions and the native code's (Objective-C, Java, C/C++, etc.) unhandled exceptions, and provide real-time, multi-dimensional exception problem analysis services.

General part integration steps

Download and import the Bugly Unity Plugin to the Unity project

  • Download the latest version Bugly Unity Plugin , Double click .unitypackage File, import relevant files of Plugin into your Unity project.

    Description of Download Package Directory Structure

    • bugly_plugin_*.unitypackage -Bugly Unity Plugin package, providing C # exception capture function and native SDK interface encapsulation
    • BuglySDK -Bugly native SDK, the native SDK that the Plugin package depends on
    • BuglyUnitySample -Unity project example

double-click bugly_plugin_*.unitypackage File, import the file to the Unity project according to the platform requirements (if you are using an old version of the Plugin package, be sure to delete the files related to the old version first)

Bugly_plugin_ *. unitypackage Directory Structure Description

  • Assets/Plugins/BuglyPlugins - Plugin script
  • Assets/Plugins/BuglyPlugins/Android/libs - Native SDK (. jar) and NDK components (. so) that the Android platform depends on
  • Assets/Bugly.framework - Native SDK static library that iOS platform depends on

be careful:

  1. integrate Bugly Unity Plugin After that, it is also necessary to integrate the corresponding SDK components of the iOS or Android platform (already provided in the download package)
  2. The SDK components of iOS can be integrated in the exported Xcode project and the configuration can be modified (refer to IOS SDK User Guide ), or use XUPorter Plug in automatic integration
  3. Android SDK components can be integrated in the exported Android project and the configuration can be modified (refer to Android SDK User Guide ), or directly copy the content of the component to the project Plugins/Android directory, and modify the permission statement of AndroidManifest.xml

Initialize Bugly

  • Select the first or main scene( Scene ), call the following code in any script file (it is recommended to select a script loaded earlier) for initialization.
 //Enable log printing of the SDK, and be sure to close it for the release version BuglyAgent.ConfigDebugMode (true); //Register log callback, and use 'Application RegisterLogCallback(Application. LogCallback) 'The way to register log callbacks // BuglyAgent. RegisterLogCallback (CallbackDelegate. Instance.OnApplicationLogCallbackHandler); #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_IOS BuglyAgent.InitWithAppId ("Your App ID"); #elif UNITY_ANDROID BuglyAgent.InitWithAppId ("Your App ID"); #endif //If you confirm that the SDK has been initialized in the corresponding iOS project or Android project, you can just start the C # exception capture and reporting function in the script BuglyAgent.EnableExceptionHandler ();

Partial integration steps of iOS

Skip this section if you do not publish to iOS platform

Modify the compilation configuration of the exported Xcode project

You can refer to the configuration of this part IOS SDK User Guide

  • Switch to Build Phases Tab, add the following dependencies under the Link Binary With Libraries column:
  • libz.dylib -Used to compress reported data
  • Security.framework -Used to store keychain
  • SystemConfiguration.framework -Used to read system information when an exception occurs
  • JavaScriptCore.framework -Set to Optional
  • libc++.dylib -Libc++library dependency

be careful:

1) If the project has already added these dependencies, do not add them again

2) Via XUPorter Integration does not need to add configuration in Xcode

So far, the iOS project configuration of Unity project has been completed. You can trigger the C # exception verification crash reporting function in Unity.

Android partial integration steps

You can skip this section if you do not publish to the Android platform

Modify the configuration file AndroidManifest.xml of the Android project

You can refer to the configuration of this part Android SDK User Guide

  • Modify the permission statement in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the exported Android project, and add the following permissions:
 <!--  Network communication --> <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.INTERNET" /> <!--  Get network status --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <!--  Get MAC address --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" /> <!--  Get device information --> <uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />  <!--  Optional permissions: --> <!--  Get logcat log --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_LOGS" />

Note: If the permission statement has been added, do not add it again

So far, the Android project configuration of Unity project has been completed. You can trigger C # exceptions in the Unity project for test verification.

API List

  • BuglyAgent.InitWithAppId(string)

    Initialize Bugly, and pass in the App ID obtained by registration on the Bugly website.

    Enable native code (Obj-C, C/C++, Java) exceptions, C # exception capture and reporting. If you have initialized Bugly in the corresponding iOS or Android project, you only need to call BuglyAgent.EnableExceptionHandler Enable C # exception capture and reporting.

  • BuglyAgent.EnableExceptionHandler()

    Start C # exception log capture and reporting. By default, the level of LogError is automatically reported. Then the exception logs of LogError and LogException will be automatically captured and reported.

    Refer to LogSeverity for log level definition: {LogDebug LogWarning、LogAssert、LogError、LogException}

  • BuglyAgent.RegisterLogCallback(BuglyAgent. LogCallbackDelegate)

    Register the LogCallbackDelegate callback method to process the system logs.

    If your application needs to call Application RegisterLogCallback (LogCallback) and other registered log callbacks can be replaced with this method.

  • BuglyAgent.ConfigAutoReportLogLevel(LogSeverity)

    Set the level of automatically reporting log information. The default is LogError. Logs with>=LogError will be automatically captured and reported.

    Log levels are defined as LogDebug, LogWarning, LogAssert, LogError, LogException, etc

  • BuglyAgent.ReportException (System. Exception, string)

    Report the captured C # exception, input the parameter exception object, and attach the description information

  • BuglyAgent.ReportException (string, string, string)

    Report user-defined error information, enter error name, error reason, error stack and other information

  • BuglyAgent.SetUserId (string)

    Set the user ID. If not, it defaults to Unknown.

    Called after initialization

  • BuglyAgent.PrintLog (LogSeverity, string)

    Call the interface of the native SDK to print logs, and the printed log information will be reported together with the error information

    Called after initialization

  • BuglyAgent.ConfigDebugMode (bool)

    Enable local debug log printing, which is off by default

    Note: Be sure to turn off the debug log printing function in the release version

  • BuglyAgent.ConfigDefault (string, string, string, long)

    Modify the default configuration information of the application: channel number, version, user ID, Android initialization delay, etc.

    Called before initialization

    The default value of channel number is blank,

    Version Default

    • Android app reads android: versionName in AndroidManifest.xml by default
    • IOS applications read CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist file by default, and splice them into the CFBundleShortVersionString (CFBundleVersion) format, such as 1.0.1 (10)

    The user ID defaults to Unknown

    Android initialization delay time, 0 by default, in milliseconds

  • BuglyAgent.ConfigAutoQuitApplication (bool)

    Configure whether to exit the application immediately after capturing and reporting C # exception information to avoid more unexpected C # exceptions in the future.

    Called before initialization