Douban Book Label: Communication

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  • A Brief History of Wireless Communications : From electromagnetic wave to 5G

    [Finn] Petri Launiening/Jiang Nan/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2020-4/99.00 yuan
    six point eight (Evaluation by 43 people)

    The Brief History of Wireless Communication vividly shows the tremendous waves of wireless communication development, tells about the hot events, individuals and companies involved in each scientific and technological progress, and pays special attention to the significant impact of each new invention on society. From the early spark

  • The Way of Communication : From Calculus to 5G

    Yang Xuezhi (Editor)/Electronic Industry Press/2016-2/79
    eight point nine (Evaluated by 237 people)

    "The Way of Communication" tells the basic knowledge and key technologies involved from calculus to 5G in the order of readers' thinking. The book has 20 chapters, and has the following characteristics: (1) Great span, detailed content: involving mathematics, signal processing

  • Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing

    Kai/Electronic Industry Press/2011-2/RMB 99.00
    nine point four (Evaluation by 16 people)

    Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation and Detection Theory is a classic authoritative work on statistical signal processing. The book is divided into two volumes, explaining the estimation theory and detection theory of statistical signal processing. The first volume introduces in detail

  • Communication principle

    Huang Zailu, Yin Weihua,/Science/February 2007/52.00 yuan
    seven point four (Evaluation by 12 people)

    The Communication Principle takes wired communication and wireless communication as the background, mainly introduces the basic concepts, principles and technologies of communication systems and communication equipment. The chapter system of Communication Principle is basically consistent with the functional module division of the actual communication system

  • The Theory, Method and Application of Signals and Systems in the Excellent Textbooks of the University of Science and Technology of China : Theory, method and application

    Xu Shoushi, Tan Yong, Guo Wu/China University of Science and Technology Press/February 2010/55.00 yuan
    eight point eight (Evaluated by 15 people)

    The Theory, Methods and Applications of Signals and Systems (2nd Edition) adopts the sequence and structure of time domain first and then transform domain, from input and output description to state variable description, and introduces and narrates continuous time in a dual and analogy way chapter by chapter, section by section, completely in parallel

  • Communication Part I

    Yang Yixian, Niu Xinxin/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2022-1/59.9
    (less than 10 people to evaluate)

    With the rapid development of technology, communication has and will continue to profoundly affect and change our lives and all aspects of society. In the process of communication development, many great figures have emerged

  • Introduction to Communication

    Lillian Goleniewski, Kitty Wilson Jarrett/Tian Hua, Fang Tao, Wang Yongqiang/Electronic Industry Press/2010-6/55.00 yuan
    seven point seven (10 persons for evaluation)

    Introduction to Communication (2nd Edition) has four parts. The first part introduces the basis of telecommunications technology, including the basic concepts involved in telecommunications technology, transmission media and traditional telephone network structure. The second part introduces the data communication network and the Internet

  • Dahua Communication (Version 2)

    Yang Bo, Wang Yuanjie, Zhou Yaning/People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House/2019-6/119.00 yuan
    seven point five (Evaluated by 57 people)

    This book starts from the development of communication and the well-known means of communication, and explains the purpose and method of communication from a unique perspective. The author of this book uses a unique and interesting way of writing, from the infrastructure of the communication network to advanced technology, from communication

  • Dahua Mobile Communication Version 2

    Ding Qi, Zhou Kanglin/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2021-4
    eight point six (14 persons for evaluation)

    This book is a popular science book about mobile communication. On the basis of the first edition, it has deleted outdated content, updated relevant technical content, and completely described the existing main mobile communication technologies, from 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G

  • Dahua wireless communication

    Ding Qi/People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House/January 2010/45.00 yuan
    eight point three (411 people evaluate)

    Dahua Wireless Communication is a popular book that introduces wireless communication. First, it introduces the evolution from wired communication to wireless communication, the theoretical foundation of communication system and the air interface technology of wireless communication. Then it introduces GSM system as an example in detail

  • Principle of dialogue communication

    ZTE Communication College/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2010-7/48.00 yuan
    eight point three (Evaluation by 23 people)

    The Principles of Conversation and Communication introduces the basic concepts, theories and analysis methods of communication in simple language, including communication system, information, signal, channel, source coding, baseband transmission, and information

  • Wireless Communications

    Andrea Goldsmith / Cambridge University Press / 2005-8-8 / USD 94.99
    eight point eight (Evaluation by 45 people)
  • Dahua Mobile Communication Network Planning

    Ma Huaxing, Dong Jiangbo/People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House/August 1, 2019/RMB 99.00
    (less than 10 people to evaluate)

    1. This book is adapted from the 2010 hot post "Wireless Network Planning Mind" of "Correspondent Home", which has exceeded 1800000 hits. 2. "Dahua" series books are the communication brand books of the People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House

  • Dahua Mobile Communication (Version 2)

    Zhang Haijun, Zheng Wei, Li Jie/Tsinghua University Press/April 1, 2015/49.8
    six point three (Evaluated by 15 people)

    Dahua Mobile Communication (Version 2) is a new and upgraded version of the best-selling book Dahua Mobile Communication. It is an easy to understand mobile communication technology book. The author tries to use popular, humorous and funny language, starting from the communication around him, to enumerate the ancient

  • Digital communication : (Fifth Edition)

    John G. Proakis, Masoud Salchi/Zhang Lijun, Zhang Zongcheng, Song Rongfang, Cao Shike/Electronic Industry Press/June 2011/RMB 99.00
    (less than 10 people to evaluate)

    Digital Communication, co authored by John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, is the field of digital communication An excellent classic textbook, which not only discusses the basic theory of digital communication, but also discusses the new technology of digital communication ...

  • Digital and analog communication system (eighth edition) (English edition) Foreign Electronic and Communication Textbook Series

    [US] Leon W. Couch II/Electronic Industry Press/April 2014/78.20 yuan
    (At present, there is no evaluation)

    This book has been revised and updated on the basis of the first seven editions, and systematically introduces the basic theory and development technology of modern communication systems. The book is divided into 8 chapters, including: basic concepts of communication system; Signal and spectrum; Baseband pulse and digital signal

  • Digital communication : Foundation and application

    [US] Bernard Sklar/Xu Pingping/Electronic Industry Press/2002-9/69.00 yuan
    nine (56 persons for evaluation)

    Digital Communication (Basic and Application Version 2) can be used as a textbook for senior undergraduate students or junior graduate students of communication, information, electronics and other majors in colleges and universities, as well as for relevant technical, scientific research and management personnel, or as a continuing education

  • Fundamentals of Wireless Communication

    David Tse; Pramod Viswanath/Li Qiang/People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House/2007-7/59.00 yuan
    nine point one (Evaluation by 49 people)

    Fundamentals of Wireless Communication is written by Tse, a new generation of authority in the field of wireless communication, based on teaching practice. It has been used as a textbook by many famous universities such as the University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Qualcomm and other world famous companies. Wireless Communication Base

  • wireless communication : Second edition

    [US] Andreas F. Molisch/Tian Bin, Tie Yi, Ren Guangming/Electronic Industry Press/January 2015/RMB 109.00
    (less than 10 people to evaluate)

    Classic Translation Series · Information and Communication Technology: Wireless Communication (Second Edition) systematically explains the principle, technology and various aspects involved in system design of wireless communication. The content of Classic Translation Series, Information and Communication Technology: Wireless Communication (Second Edition) is

  • Communication Principle (4th Edition)

    Zhou Jiongpan, Pang Qinhua, Xu Dawuo, Wu Weiling, Yang Hongwen, etc./Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press/August 2015/56
    (less than 10 people to evaluate)

    Communication Principles (4th Edition) systematically and thoroughly introduces the basic principles and basic analysis methods of communication systems and communication networks. It is a specialized basic course textbook for communication and information majors. The book consists of 13 chapters, including communication systems and communication networks

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