Douban Book Label: Neural Network

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  • Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach

    Stuart Russell、Peter Norvig / Pearson / 2009-12-11 / USD 195.00
    nine point four (Evaluated by 193 people)

    The long-anticipated revision of this #1 selling book offers the most comprehe...

  • Neural Network and Deep Learning: Cases and Practice

    Qiu Xipeng, Flying Propeller Textbook Writing Group/China Machine Press/2022-7/99.00
    (less than 10 people to evaluate)

    This book is a supporting practice book of Neural Network and Deep Learning (Dandelion Book), which was completed by Professor Qiu Xipeng of Fudan University and the Baidu Flying Paddle Team. This book corresponds to Neural Networks and Deep Learning one by one in chapter design, and uses the model

  • This is ChatGPT

    [US] Stephen Wolfram/WOLFRAM Media Localization Group/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2023-7/59.80 yuan
    seven point five (evaluated by 1280 people)

    The inventor of Wolfram Alpha, the "first really practical AI" search engine Stephen Wolfram's ChatGPT Sincere Work ◎ Editor's recommendation OpenAI CEO、Chat...

  • Artificial Intelligence (3rd Edition)

    [US] Stephen Lucci, [US] Danny Kopec/Wang Bin, Wang Shuxin/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2023-11/119.00 yuan
    eight point nine (evaluated by 37 people)

    This book systematically and comprehensively explains the relevant knowledge of artificial intelligence. It not only briefly introduces the basic knowledge of this subject, but also expands the content of natural language processing, automatic planning, neural networks, etc., supplemented by examples, which can help you read

  • Neural Network and Deep Learning

    Qiu Xipeng/China Machine Press/April 10, 2020/149.00 yuan
    nine point three (563 people evaluate)

    This book mainly introduces the basic knowledge, main models (convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, etc.) and applications in computer vision, natural language processing and other fields in neural network and deep learning.

  • Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing

    Yoav Goldberg / Morgan & Claypool Publishers / 2017-4-17 / USD 74.95
    nine point four (evaluated by 54 people)
  • Make Your Own Neural Network

    Tariq Rashid / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform / 2016-3-31 / USD 45.00
    nine point six (Evaluated by 77 people)
  • Fig. Neural network : Foundation, frontier and application

    Wu Lingfei, Cui Peng, Pei Jian, Zhao Liang/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2022-11/178.80 yuan
    eight point six (Evaluated by 38 people)

    This book is dedicated to introducing the basic concepts and algorithms of graph neural networks, research frontiers and wide and emerging applications, Covering a wide range of topics of graph neural networks, From foundation to frontier, from method to application, from methodology to application scenario

  • Evolutionary Brain : Give us love, memory and dreams

    [US] David J. Linden/Shen Ying, etc./Shanghai People's Publishing House/August 2009/28.00 yuan
    eight point four (561 people evaluate)

    This book is an interesting reading for Dr. Linden, a professor in the Department of Neuroscience of Johns Hopkins University, to popularize brain science knowledge to the public. The author believes that the human brain is a natural organizational system formed in the process of long-term evolution rather than a deliberately designed product

  • Mathematics for deep learning

    [Japan] Yoshiko Nagai, [Japan] Jamie Nagai/Yang Ruilong/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2019-4/69.00 yuan
    eight point five (evaluated by 511 people)

    The Mathematics of Deep Learning, based on rich illustrations and specific examples, introduces the mathematical knowledge related to deep learning easily. Chapter 1 introduces the general situation of neural network; Chapter 2 introduces the basic mathematical knowledge needed to understand neural networks; 3rd

  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning

    Michael Nielsen / 2016-1
    nine point six (Evaluation by 246 people)

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