Douban Book Label: Wealth Management

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  • Dog money

    [Germany] Bodo Scheffer/Wenyi/CITIC Publishing Group/2021-2/39.80 yuan
    nine point two (22476 comments)

    Jiya is an ordinary 12-year-old girl. By chance, she rescued a wounded puppy and named it "Qian Qian". Unexpectedly, Qian Qian is an undisclosed financial expert. It has changed the wealth of Jiya's family

  • Money Psychology : The eternal truth of wealth, humanity and happiness

    [US] Morgan Hauzel/Li Qingzong/Democracy and Construction Press/2023-6/56.00 yuan
    eight point two (8755 comments)

    Over 4 million copies have been sold in the world, and the financial management category of Amazon No.1 in the United States is popular in 53 languages! The relationship between you and money determines the distance between wealth and you! In the ever-changing field of investment and financing, we will take you to find the unchanging

  • Naval : A Guide to Wealth and Happiness

    [US] Eric Jorgensen/Zhao Can/CITIC Press/2022-4/68.00 yuan
    eight point four (24442 people evaluated)

    It's not just luck that makes people rich. Happiness doesn't come from the sky. Accumulating wealth and living a happy life are skills we can and need to learn. What are the principles and methods that guide our learning? This book provides principles and methods. This book receives

  • Rich dad Poor dad

    Robert T. Qingqi/Xiao Ming/Nanhai Publishing Company/March 2009/RMB 20.00
    eight point six (12451 people commented)

    Kiyosaki has two fathers: "poor father" is his own father, a highly educated education official; "Rich dad" is the father of his good friend, an entrepreneur who has not graduated from high school but is good at investing and financing. Kiyosaki followed the "poor father" to design for him

  • as always : unchanging humanity and rich mentality

    [US] Morgan Hauzel/Song Hongbo, Fu Litao/CITIC Press/2024-4/69.00 yuan
    seven point three (1022 persons for evaluation)

    Everyone wants to see the future clearly, but throughout history, no one can really do this in financial investment, commerce, economy, politics, society and other fields. The main premise of this book is to admit that the world will change forever, and the unknown cannot be predicted

  • Rich dad, poor dad

    Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lecht/Yang Jun, Yang Ming/World Book Publishing Company/2000-09/18.80
    eight point three (78529 people commented)

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a true story. Robert Kiyosaki's own father and his friend's father have different views on money, which makes him interested in knowing money. Finally, he accepted his friend's father's advice, and

  • Want money or want to live : You can retire early without financial freedom

    Vicky Robin (US), Joe Dominguez (US)/He Jin'e/CITIC Publishing Group/2021-10/58
    seven point four (evaluated by 1705 people)

    If you have 100 million yuan now, will you continue to work? If you say "yes", you are doing what you like. If you say "no", you are tired of this job. We are in financial distress

  • Index Fund Investment Guide

    Bank screw/CITIC Press/2017-11-1/59
    eight point two (11620 comments)

    It only takes a little time every year to beat inflation and more than 70% of market participants. Is it really such a good thing? The answer is yes, that is, fixed investment index funds. Warren Buffett said, "By regularly investing in index funds

  • The first lesson of Snowball Fund : Buying funds for nothing

    China Economic Publishing House/59.00 yuan
    seven point five (371 people commented)

    Buying funds has increasingly become a popular way of managing money, but not all of the people have made money. Snowball observed that there are only two pain points for people to buy the foundation, namely "no choice" and "no holding". Based on this, the author of this book has compiled "Snowball Base..."

  • Addictive saving : earn while save, and become rich slowly

    Aruna Zhou Jianquan/Taiwan Publishing House/May 6, 2024/58
    seven point five (evaluated by 59 people)

    Musk said that the essence of money is information, which is a large database for resource allocation. The concept of money is the basis for acquiring wealth and keeping wealth. It includes the concept of making money, spending money, saving money and other dimensions

  • Millionaire Fast Track

    [US] MJ Demako/Zheng Lei, Wang Zhanxin/CITIC Press/2017-5/69.00
    eight point one (2762 people evaluated)

    "The Millionaire Express has cracked the code of lifelong wealth, which is the key to unlock the fast way to become rich. Change the lane, find your explosive wealth accelerator, jump out of the financial mediocrity, get away from working nine to five, and shorten the time to become rich

  • Poor Charlie's Almanack : Charlie Munger's Wisdom Proverbs (new edition)

    [US] Edited by Peter Kaufman/Li Jihong, etc./CITIC Publishing Group/2021-7-31/188 yuan
    eight point six (3516 people evaluated)

    The Poor Charlie's Treasure is the only book that has comprehensively introduced Charlie Munger's investment, learning and life experience so far. It has a complete collection of Charlie Munger's personal biography and investment philosophy, as well as Munger's major public speeches and

  • The road to financial freedom : Earn your first 10 million yuan in 7 years

    [Germany] Bodo Scheffer/Liu Huan/Modern Press/2017-3/45.00 yuan
    seven point six (6472 comments)

    Minimal financial management, financial freedom within 7 years! ◇ How to pay off debts quickly; ◇ How to accumulate wealth while saving correctly; ◇ 11 top secret rules that can immediately increase wealth; ◇ The bank's secret investment and financing insider knowledge

  • Can money buy happiness

    [US] Jonathan Clements/Pei Yong/CITIC Publishing Group/2024-4/59.00
    seven (evaluated by 94 people)

    For all people who start to make money and want to manage money, this is a financial book that teaches you to spend money happily and make money easily. ·What can money buy? ·As long as you have more, you can get happiness? ·The pleasure of spending money is fleeting. How to stay

  • Rich people are different from what you think

    [US] Harvey Ike/Chen Jialing/2017-6/38.00 yuan
    seven point nine (5891 people commented)

    Rich people may also lose their wealth, but they have "the brains of rich people". The idea of the rich is really different from that of the poor, even those who live in a well-off life. The global sales volume exceeded 2 million, and the finance that swept the major investment and wealth management lists

  • Smart investors (4th edition of commentary)

    【 US 】 Benjamin Graham/Wang Zhonghua, Huang Yiyi, Liu Jianwei Reviewer/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/March 2016/88.00
    nine point one (1486 people commented)

    On the basis of keeping the fourth edition of Graham's original work in 1973, the Smart Investor (the fourth edition of the commentary) was reviewed by Jason Zweig according to the turbulent reality of the global stock market in the past 40 years, especially at the turn of the century

  • Where does the money come from : Wealth Plan for Chinese Families

    Tang Ya/CITIC Press/2020-1-1/59
    six point eight (evaluated by 2353 people)

    [Editor's Recommendation] 1. Luo Zhenyu's "Friends of Time" cross year speech from 2019 to 2020 is a weighty recommendation to help you find your own wealth coordinates. 2. Xiang Shuai's latest masterpiece, using popular language, detailed data, vivid

  • Minimalist Wealth: The Code of Wealth Management Xiaobai

    Guo Shiliang/China Textile Press/May 2024-5/58
    eight point eight (Evaluated by 71 people)

    Based on 14 years of investment and financing experience, the author summarizes profound experience and lessons, and explains how to let financiers avoid most investment and financing risks, realize long-term appreciation of assets, and make it easy to become rich. After reading this book, the reader's understanding of the stock market

  • Seven Steps to Understand Financial Statements Brief financial analysis method of stock investment

    Lin Changhua/People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House/2022-8/79.00 yuan
    eight point nine (Evaluation by 149 people)

    For stock investors, understanding financial statements is not everything, but not understanding financial statements is absolutely impossible. The author combines the practical experience of stock investment and makes it easy for investors with zero foundation to analyze in plain language

  • Poor Charlie's Almanack Charlie Munger's Wisdom Proverbs

    Charlie T. Munger, Peter D. Kaufman/Li Jihong/CITIC Press/August 2016/168.00
    eight point six (14448 persons for evaluation)

    The Poor Charlie Treasure is a complete collection of Charlie Munger's personal biography and investment philosophy, as well as Munger's major public speeches and media interviews in the past 20 years. He has encyclopedic knowledge, from ancient orators to the 18th and 19th centuries

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