Douban Book Label: Education

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  • A small town problem writer Origin, mentality and ivory tower

    Xie Ailei/Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore/2024-5/68.00
    six point nine (evaluated by 240 people)

    🏫 They tried everything to get a normal script 🏫 Educational sociologists have tracked 2000 people for 10 years, presenting in depth the struggles and quests of poor students 🏫 Yu Minhong, Liu Yunshan, Xu Zhiyuan, Yan Fei sincerely recommend! ——【...

  • How to be a father : The father son relationship that affects each other's life

    Michael J. Diamond/Sun Ping/China Machine Press/2024-1-1/69
    eight point one (Evaluated by 318 people)
  • You should fly to your mountain like a bird

    Tara Westerfer/Ren Aihong/Nanhai Publishing Company/2019-10/59.00 yuan
    eight point seven (191138 people commented)

    People only see my uniqueness: a mountain girl who never stepped into the classroom before the age of 17, but wears a high cap of academic degree, shining brightly. Only I know my true colors: I come from a family that few people can imagine. My childhood

  • Children in the County : China's county education ecology

    Lin Xiaoying/Shanghai People's Publishing House/2023-7/88.00 yuan
    eight (2018 person evaluation)

    More than 50% of Chinese students receive education in more than 2000 counties nationwide. Should elite education or inclusive education be adopted in the counties? To solve the problem of county education, should we increase counterpart poverty alleviation or strengthen self hematopoietic function? County

  • Learn from God : China's young elites moving towards global competition

    Jiang Yilin/Zheng Xinyuan/CITIC Publishing Group
    (Evaluation by 49 people)

    In the world of learning God, after graduating from Tsinghua, student A applied for the top doctoral program in the world, and before graduating from Cambridge, student B received employment notices from many well-known enterprises... It seems that they can easily get into the world's first-class schools

  • Why don't students like going to school?

    [US] Daniel T. Willingham/Zhao Meng, Zhu Yongxin (reviser)/Jiangsu Education Press/May 2010/26.00 yuan
    nine point two (4892 people evaluated)

    This book is an important work of Willingham, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia in the United States. It is a popular work of educational psychology among students and teachers. He used the principles of cognitive psychology to analyze in detail the process of students' learning and teachers' teaching in the classroom

  • Kill a robin

    [US] Harper Lee/Li Yuchao/Yilin Press/2017-2/58.00
    nine point three (71233 people commented)

    To Kill a Mockingbird is recognized as a classic of American literature, but its significance in the field of education has made it break through national boundaries and become one of the most famous initiation stories in the world. To Kill a Mockingbird has great influence in the western world

  • Why is there a library in the world

    Yang Suqiu/Shanghai Translation Publishing House/2024-1-1/58.00 yuan
    nine (evaluated by 8630 people)

    I am a literature teacher at Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. Sometimes I think: In addition to teaching, can I go out of the campus and do something for the society? On one occasion, I took a temporary post as Deputy Director of Xi'an Beilin District Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports. Beilin District is Xi'an

  • Positive Discipline : How to effectively discipline children without punishment and indulgence

    [US] Jane Nelson/Yu Bing/Jinghua Publishing House/January 2009/RMB 29.00
    eight point seven (Evaluation by 8007 people)

    In Positive Discipline, parents and teachers in the 21st century are told that positive discipline is a method of discipline that neither punishes nor indulges children... Only in a kind and firm atmosphere can children develop self-discipline, sense of responsibility and cooperation

  • See the child : Insight, empathy and connection

    Becky Kennedy/Meitong/CITIC Press/2023-6/59.00 yuan
    nine point three (832 people commented)

    1. From the Internet to China. A phenomenal new book, a multi list bestseller, and the New York Times bestseller No.1 in 2022, ranking first in the list of American and Asian tutoring books. Recommended as "202

  • After the gold list : The mystery of the differentiation of college students

    Zheng Yajun, Xiong Qingnian, editor in chief/Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore/2023-1/68 yuan
    eight point four (6145 comments)

    Key universities have entrusted thousands of families with the dream of changing their destiny, and now a series of special enrollment plans have opened the door to more students. However, after winning the gold list, did the students go as smoothly as they imagined? Students from different socioeconomic backgrounds are in

  • In the era of screen, reshape children's self-control

    [Plus] Ximi Kang/Zhang Jing/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press/2023-3/58.80
    eight point eight (Evaluated by 200 people)

    You may have noticed some warning signs. The more your 9-year-old son plays video games, the easier it is to be distracted and fidgety. Your teenage daughter constantly compares her life to others on social media, and then feels extremely depressed. I...

  • I wish my parents had read this book Your children will be glad you read it

    [UK] Philippa Perry/Hong Huifang/CITIC Publishing Group/2020-7/48.00 yuan
    eight point seven (6745 comments)

    The relationship between parents and children has a profound impact on children's life. However, in many families, this relationship often goes wrong, which is painful and even difficult to return to normal. This is a senior psychotherapist who has worked for 20 years

  • Laughing upbringing : When was the last time you laughed with your child

    Li Yinuo/Zhejiang Education Press/2024-6-1/79.90 yuan
    eight point seven (Evaluated by 131 people)

    ● Experiencing diversified education in China, the United States and Japan, Li Yinuo, a global education explorer, made his debut ● Solve three parenting pain points: give parents real emotional support - the difficulty of "being a parent". Li Yinuo speaks to people's hearts; The exploration of the new parenting concept

  • Girl's Book

    Written by [Norway] Nina Brockmann, [Norway] Alan Stokken Dahl, [Norway] Magnil Vincenas/Guo Zaining/Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore/2023-6/118
    nine point six (Evaluation by 603 people)

    The Complete Book on the Growth of Girls Who Can Find the Answer by Yourself Every mother wants to give her daughter a youth gift ◎ Editor's recommendation Norwegian "Book of the Year" Norwegian Ministry of Culture "Gold Award for Non fiction Works of Children and Adolescents" Norway's non fiction category sells well

  • My two students

    Huang Deng/People's Literature Publishing House/August 1, 2020/45
    seven point six (Evaluated by 19032 people)

    The author Huang Deng has been teaching in a two university. Her long-term classroom teaching and post class communication have made her a witness to the growth and change of this group of students. My Second Book of Students is equivalent to her teaching notes, which includes her 15 years of front-line teaching

  • Different middle schools

    Jia Dongting, etc./Life Bookstore Publishing Co., Ltd./2024-4/58.00 yuan
    seven point six (13 persons for evaluation)

    Where to go to middle school? What kind of middle school? Sanlian Life Weekly has spent four years, taking more than 30 middle schools in Britain, the United States, Finland and China as the main objects of observation, presenting the educational concept, curriculum

  • excellent

    Wu Jun/New Star Publishing House/2023-12-4/79.00 yuan
    seven point six (Evaluated by 154 people)

    In the face of education, do you have such a puzzle: give everything for children's education, or even sacrifice your own life; Children sacrificed their happiness and spent more than ten years studying hard, but the results of education were not satisfactory. Why is this so? In fact

  • You don't have to be a flower

    Li Weichen/People's Posts and Telecommunications Press/2024-4/52.8
    seven point five (1083 people evaluated)

    When I was growing up, it was Grandma's words and deeds that cured me of all my anxiety and anxiety, entanglement and inferiority. I was often bullied by my classmates when I was in kindergarten. Because my father respected the educational concept of "good for bad", my mother always let me

  • Gardeners and carpenters : Top psychologists teach you the parenting concept of expert parents

    [US] Alison Gopnik/Liu Jiajie, Zhao Yukun/Zhejiang People's Publishing House/July 25, 2019/69.90 yuan
    eight point one (2657 people commented)

    ● Do you think that children always play with each other? In fact, children are learning social interaction; Do you think children are playing with toys quietly? In fact, children are exploring the mysteries of the world; You think children ask why because they are bored? In fact, children are looking for answers

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