The most popular book review of Douban

 Grass maze
Empty 2024-06-05 18:23:45

It's probably the number one translation of car accidents in this century

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Guo Mai's "Grass Maze" is one of the most absurd translation accidents I have seen in the past ten years. At the beginning, I was very angry. The more I read it later, the more interesting it was. It was better than crosstalk. This Chinese translation made all the mistakes that can be made by translators. It was amazing. Japanese translators can be used as negative teaching materials, and ordinary readers can be used as a joke collection to read two books. [The following contains spoilers] The whole story is full of bandits and barbarians  ( open )
 Poetic art
Green Mountain Red Bean 2024-06-19 23:51:49

Bullshit Translation: The Art of Poetry by Borges

This article was published here in July 2022 and received wide support, but it was also attacked by three or five beasts (such as the following figure). I don't want to show my own writing to those who are not worthy of reading, so I simply delete it. It is now decided to reissue it, in order to let as many readers as possible know the truth, what is the complete works of Borges, including this one, translated into Chinese, and leave a record for history. (The editor of this book reads the private letter  ( open )
 My Picture Diary
Is Blood Source 2 out? 2024-06-17 22:02:52

[Translation] Makiko Fujiwara: The Art of Living with Tsuji Yichun Ryan Holmberg

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I think, on the whole, she didn't get any benefit from meeting me—— As for his wife Makiko Fujiwara, he said so in 2003. Zhezhi Yichun's cartoon readers may have noticed that his views on women are somewhat outdated. In his travel notes, he basically describes thatched roofs, old hotels and desolate hot springs. In his cartoons, almost no mountain road is not full of exotic customs  ( open )
 Panda Knight
Bell salute 2024-06-24 11:58:18

Let's ride a motorcycle together!

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Let's ride a motorcycle together—— Talk about the motorcycle in Panda Rider. Please note that the following content involves some spoilers. Please read it as appropriate after reading the original. There are many motorcycle models in Panda Rider. Although the brand is not specified directly, the corresponding brand can be found directly from the model. Since almost every character has his own motorcycle, the author has a good understanding of the characters and their cars  ( open )
 The Death of Yue Fei
Daisy 2024-06-24 16:47:11

"My country can be adjusted as small as it wants! Can you manage it?"

The death of Yue Fei is a sad story that Chinese people are most familiar with (of course, what they are familiar with is the outline, but they are still unfamiliar with the details). But you will find that it is really necessary to dig into the root. In fact, Song Gaozong, a capitulator, has the same logic as Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Li Gang and other people with lofty ideals. This logic is the integration of family and country. For the imperial class under the Chinese monarchy, home is the country, and the country is the home. Say  ( open )
 Air and Dream
Koneral 2024-06-17 18:22:41

The Background of Imagination Philosophy in Air and Dream

In the French philosophical circles in the 1930s and 1940s, Bashra, Sartre, Merleau Ponty, and Ricco began to pay attention to the problem of "imagination" again. On the one hand, this tendency was directly influenced by Husserl's phenomenology, and on the other hand, it was closely related to the long-standing epistemological tradition in France, especially Bergson's philosophy. In "Air and Dream" (1943), Bashira first proposed to enter  ( open )
 Language Evil Girl
Beijing News Book Review Weekly 2024-06-13 11:16:50

Start with swearing: how does gender bias in everyday language affect our life?

"If you want to humiliate a woman, call her a prostitute. If you want to humiliate a man, call him a woman." In our daily language, subconscious salutation and swearing account for a considerable proportion. After years of research, linguists have found that almost every corner of language is related to gender, from the shortest words to the widest conversation. Chinese is no exception. For a long time, these genders  ( open )
 Encyclopedia of Coffee Illustrations
Poria cocos pupil 2024-06-23 20:10:36

Whether you drink medium or large, you need to know what coffee is first!

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You must have seen Mr. Luo's classic clip about medium cup or large cup of coffee! In fact, we need to know more about the history, types and practices of coffee than the size of the cup. In the Encyclopedia of Coffee Illustrations published by Houlang, Anne Caron, a famous French roaster, explained the secret of coffee in detail. In the book, with 100 illustrations, 49 questions about coffee were answered by asking questions, leading the novice  ( open )
 Decoding Contemporary Art: The Visual Code of Tate Art Museum
Master Wuzhai 2024-06-23 23:52:07

Everything is art? Real art is never sensationalism

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For the ancient ancestors, the birth of art may originate from an accident, but in the final analysis, it is inevitable. In that era of intensive cultivation, when people began to eat and wear warm, they naturally had more spare time to think about how to dress up themselves and life. At this time, the pursuit of beauty has become an eternal theme. Even a person who doesn't know anything about painting can see the Painting of Rivers and Mountains over a Thousand Miles  ( open )
 Gardenia fragrance when plum is ripe
Huohua's Floating Diary 2024-06-23 00:53:10

A good antidote to summer heat. For the escape exit, you need a copy of "Fragrance of Gardenia when Plums are Ripe"

[When the plum is ripe, the gardenia is fragrant] Every word in it is as natural and pleasant as the name of this book. When reading prose, I am afraid to read some artful, empty and unreal works. The chapters in Xiao Fuxing's Plum Fruits are Ripe and Gardenia Fragrance are big from the small. Small characters reflect the great image of the times, and it is very gratifying to read them. The gentle tone and plain words trickle towards  ( open )
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