Mobile free 30 day Migu Platinum member has received the test

Mobile free collection of 30 days of Migu Platinum members who have personally tested and collected mobile M-Zone users can participate in the collection. If the collection button is black, click the collection button to log in to Migu, and then go to mobile APP search [M-Zone] - top banner entry - pull down the collection activity

IQIYI announced the adjustment of VIP member functions: restore the HD projection screen of old members, and support the login of 5 devices

On February 20, IT Home reported that iQiyi officially released the VIP member function adjustment statement today, saying that after careful consideration and urgent research and development, it made adjustments to the rules of projection services and login devices. IQIYI said that it is an iQIYI gold VIP who will still be in subscription status on February 20, 2023

Android Pure Pro v2.6 Auto Skip Ads

The software introduces an auxiliary software developed by the master MCQSJ of station B UP, which can automatically skip the opening screen advertisement of the application. For the first time, please open the "barrier free" and other permissions to automatically skip the disgusting opening advertisements. In addition to automatically skipping the opening screen ads, it also supports automatic installation and automatic viewing of the original image. Marketplace

Youku members receive Youku members for 3-14 days

On June 15, the new issue was set to the top, and Youku members were limited to participate in 1. Youku videos APP -->"members" at the bottom -->get a bang bang card 2. Wednesday's bang gift -->U Dou redeems a bang bang card -->slide left to the second -->click twice -->Bizhong Youku members

Xiaomi Cloud ID photo generates ID photo online seconds

The developer is Xiaomi Company, whose technology is supported by Xiaomi Cloud. 1. Xiaomi's applets have no redundant functions and do not have the problems of most applets. They continue the extremely concise style of Xiaomi, without advertising. 2. They are easy to use and free of charge. As an applet, it does not occupy memory, and at the same time

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The latest Android Headline mobile client v8.2.3.0, pure version of advertising removal

Today's headline is the platform with the most users of We Media in China. Today Toutiao is a personalized news recommendation engine based on data mining. A large number of We Media have settled in, including hot news, short videos, etc. It uses AI intelligence to analyze users' interests and automatically recommend your favorite content. Today

2021 Free for new and old members

30 days free of charge. All new and old members can get their mobile phones, open the link, enter the activity, enter their mobile phone number, and then get free of charge. For 30 days, members who have given out the exchange code need to manually redeem the exchange code. After receiving the exchange code, copy it and download the app. Click My - Exchange Code, and enter the exchange code! Love Enterprise Inspection Committee

Get free enterprise check for 7 days, and members' personal test will arrive in the account in seconds

Get free enterprise check for 7 days. Members can check for risks for 7 days. If you want to get free enterprise check for 7 days, you can check for risks for the boss. If you need to get free enterprise check for 7 days, you can check for risks for the boss. If you need to get free enterprise check for 7 days, you can open the link to enter the activity. Enter your mobile phone number to log in! Receive second to account! Activity address:

Sign in to the app of Little Penguin Paradise and receive 11 days of Tencent members for free

Sign in to Little Penguin Paradise for free for 11 days. Tencent members can search and download [Little Penguin Paradise] from all major app stores. After logging in, click [Clock in every day to light up VIP] on the right. After 7 consecutive days, Tencent members can get free for 11 days. On the first day, they can sign in for 1 day, on the third day, they can sign in for 3 days, and on the seventh day, they can sign in for 7 days

HEU KMS Activator v21.0.0

Software introduction HEU KMS Activator, a simple and efficient all-around KMS/OEM activation tool, is applicable to all Windows and Office versions. It can be activated by one button without networking. It supports UEFI's KMS activation tool. KMS service is Microsoft's volume licensing service for Windows, Office and other products