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Install the magic weapon, turn the picture into the sketch with one click, and it's all hand drawn

Recently, I found a foreign PS picture that can be converted from one button to hand drawn sketch. It is so powerful that it is almost like a real hand drawn sketch!

matters needing attention:

Please check before operation:

1: Your photo is in RGB color mode

2: Your photo is in 8-bit color mode

3: Avoid using small resolutions image Otherwise, the strokes will not be so delicate. For the best results, please make the photo more than 1800px/height - 3500px/width.

4: PS CC 2017 or above, the old version of PS may not support it, but you can also try it.

More detailed tutorials are attached

First, the effect after using it! As shown below!

 Install the magic weapon, turn the picture into the sketch with one click, and it's all hand drawn

 Install the magic weapon, turn the picture into the sketch with one click, and it's all hand drawn

Link: Extract code: 1rxj copy this content and open Baidu online disk mobile app, which is more convenient to operate

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About the author: Big Cousin YJ

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