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Use the code to complete the script attached to 30 stores of Tmall's double 11 partners

Use the code to complete the script attached to 30 stores of Tmall's double 11 partners

This script can only complete the sign in of 30 stores in batches and save time and effort! Every day, I'm exhausted! It is still the review element function that needs to use the speed browser!

1. Open login first:

2. Open the activity page again (ignoring the system, an error occurred): The browser width is the narrowest when it is pulled to the minimum

3. In the second address, press F12, click Console to paste script code, press Enter, and the input interval time will pop up. It is recommended to input 5000

 Use the code to complete the sign in of 30 stores of Tmall's 11 partners with one key _ attach script
Use the code to complete the sign in of 30 stores of Tmall's 11 partners with one key _ attach script

Dynamic diagram demonstration:

 Use the code to complete the sign in of 30 stores of Tmall's 11 partners with one key _ attach script
Use the code to complete the sign in of 30 stores of Tmall's 11 partners with one key _ attach script

4. Next, you will find that you have started to automatically sign in and collect the meow coins, and wait until the operation is completed

Code download:


Use the code to complete the gold coin upgrade script for all tasks of the JD Universal Red Bag

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About the author: Big Cousin YJ

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