Get involved in the yellow and wipe the edges! Well known app was fined

Recently, according to the report of the National Cyber Information Office, the National Cyber Information Office instructed Guangdong Cyber Information Office to interview relevant platform leaders in accordance with the law and impose a fine of 500000 yuan on the "Quark" platform in response to the problem that the "Quark" platform and the "NetEase CC" live broadcast platform have damaged the network ecology And ordered "NetEase CC" to suspend the information update of the "Dance" section for 7 days, and ordered the two platforms to immediately make comprehensive and in-depth rectification and seriously deal with the relevant responsible persons.

After investigation, the "Quark" platform did not comply with the relevant management requirements, the search results showed a large amount of pornographic information, and recommended pornographic and vulgar keywords to users.

Many account anchors on the "Netease CC" live broadcast platform have problems such as vulgar words and deeds, playing pornographic sidekicks, etc. during the live broadcast. The "Netease CC" live broadcast platform did not effectively rectify the above vulgar live broadcast, and it was presented in the first screen of the "Entertainment" channel "Dance" section and other key links.

The above two platforms have violated the Network Security Law, the Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content and other relevant provisions, and damaged the network ecology, which is of a bad nature and serious circumstances.

At present, both platforms have responded to this notification.

Netease CC announced that it will comprehensively carry out the centralized cleaning of vulgar and harmful information on the platform, continue to strengthen the comprehensive rectification of vulgar content in the live broadcast room, crack down on the cleaning of vulgar and harmful information, and strengthen the security management of information content.

Quark Search responded that it attaches great importance to, sincerely accepts, and resolutely implements. At present, it has fully implemented rectification in strict accordance with the requirements, and banned relevant violations.

The news that Quark was punished also caused a lot of netizens' heated discussions. Yesterday, the related topic was topped by the hottest search.

Judging from the comments of netizens in the comment area, everyone has a high praise for Quark.

I hope quarks can be well rectified this time and live up to expectations.


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About the author: Big Cousin YJ

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