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Common script commands for VPS evaluation

One key test script for VPS backhaul routing

 wget - qO - git . io / besttrace | bash

LemonBench comprehensive performance test tool script

Quick test

 yum - y install wget wget - O - https : // | bash -s fast
 #Or apt - get install curl curl - fsL https : // | bash -s fast

 #Zhu Chunshu's blog for backup yum - y install wget wget - qO - https : // | bash -s fast

Complete test

 yum - y install wget wget - O - https : // | bash -s full
 #Or apt - get install curl curl - fsL https : // | bash -s full

 #Zhu Chunshu's blog for backup yum - y install wget wget - qO - https : // | bash -s full


 wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash

Method of using parameters:

 wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash - s info wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash - s io wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash - s speed wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash - s fast wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash - s share

VPS performance test: CPU physical number, kernel, hyper thread, multi-core

Log in to the VPS interface and execute:

 cat / proc / cpuinfo

View the number of logical CPUs directly

 cat / proc / cpuinfo | grep  physical id   | sort | uniq

View the CPU model directly

 cat / proc / cpuinfo | grep  model name   | sort | uniq

Number of cores per CPU

 cat / proc / cpuinfo | grep  cpu cores   | sort | uniq

Total CPU threads

 cat / proc / cpuinfo | grep  processor 

View the memory information of the purchased VPS host

 cat / proc / meminfo

Memory occupied by Linux

 free  m

To test the performance of VPS host disk IO, you can execute the following two commands

 dd if = /dev/ zero of = test bs = 64k count = 4k oflag = dsync dd if = /dev/ zero of = test bs = 8k count = 256k conv = fdatasync

Generate 1TB large files

 dd if = /dev/ zero of = 1T . img bs = 1G seek = one thousand and twenty-four count = zero

Bs=1G means to read and write 1G data every time, count=0 means to read and write 0 times, seek=1024 means to skip 1024 blocks without writing, the previous block size is 1G, so a total of 1T is skipped!
This is the easiest way to create a large sparse file.

SSD hard disk speed test

 yum install hdparm - y fdisk - l hdparm - t / dev / hda

UnixBench running tool

 wget https : // chmod + x unixbench . sh ./ unixbench . sh


Superspeed one button speed measurement script

Used for speed measurement server upload/download speed

 bash <( curl - Lso - https : //

1, VPS test

 wget - qO - bench . sh | bash #Test VPS basic information and download speed, from Official website ( )

2. Domestic test

 wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash #It mainly includes VPS hardware information, domestic node test, telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, and from Laogui

3. Basic test

 Chinese version: wget - N -- no - check - certificate https : // && bash
 English version: wget - N -- no - check - certificate https : // && bash
 #Based on superbench script, routing and ping tests are added to distinguish between Chinese and English

4. Network speed test

 wget https : // ip t/master/ && chmod +x && ./
 #It mainly includes special tests on some domestic nodes, such as China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile

5. Ping test

 wget - N -- no - check - certificate https : // python uping . py #A long ping test py script

6. html5 Internet speed program

 https : //
 #PHP environment is required. After downloading, unzip it to run without installing

7. Ruisu/BBR integrated one button package

 wget - N -- no - check - certificate " "  && chmod + x tcp . sh &&  ./ tcp . sh #One click installation of Ruisu/bbr, magic modification, etc., supports uninstallation, upgrade, and other operations.

8. Sharp one button package

 wget - N -- no - check - certificate https : // && bash
 #One click installation of the full function version of Sharp Cracking, which does not support the openvz architecture, from 91yun( 

9. Google BBR one click script

 wget -- no - check - certificate https : // chmod + x && ./
 #One click installation and start of bbr function, a TCP congestion algorithm produced by Google, does not support openvz virtual architecture.

10. Sharp one button package

 wget -- no - check - certificate - O appex . sh https : // && chmod +x && bash install
 #Another fan developed the Ruisu one button installation script, which developed: (It's from the Cute Card Boss.)

11. FS one key package

 wget - N -- no - check - certificate https : // && bash
 #One click installation of finalspeed function, supporting the whole system architecture

12, Automatic backup script

 wget - N -- no - check - certificate https : // chmod + x AutoBackupToFtp . sh bash AutoBackupToFtp . sh #Every day Automatic backup MY SQL And packaging website directory

13. VPS running test

 wget -- no - check - certificate https : // chmod + x unixbench . sh ./ unixbench . sh #Unixbench runs a score test, with different scores for single core and multi-core

14. Linux test script

 apt install curl - y yum install curl - y curl - fsSL https : // | bash -s fast

15. Laogui Linux test script

 wget - qO - git . io / superbench . sh | bash

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About the author: Big Cousin YJ

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