I created a minimalist WordPress plugin for web navigation

First of all, I would like to share a small skill of operation promotion, that is, when doing product promotion, I have exhausted all ideas. When I have no ideas, I have a good idea, which can also be promoted by "carrying private goods". What do you mean? It means to lead me to

How to fix the user name enumeration vulnerability exposed by WordPress due to REST API

Today, a customer said that he received a contact from the public security department that the website had a security risk: there was a user name enumeration vulnerability in the Internet asset website system of XXXX Technology Co., Ltd. WordPress integrates REST API plug-ins into default functions after version 4.7.0. REST API is used for WordPress

WordPress page decoration plug-in "Page module" adds "Shared module" and "Copy module" functions

We introduced our one button modular decoration WordPress page plug-in "Page Module". Users of the Modular theme praised it and gave us many suggestions. So we made persistent efforts, so we added "Sharing" to the "Page Module" plug-in first

VPS DMIT 39.9 of the three networks boutique route has been replenished and put on the shelves

Today is the second article in our series of foreign servers and VPS shopping. This time, we are going to recommend DMIT. DMIT, founded in 2017, is an overseas VPS manufacturer, mainly engaged in VPS in Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Japan and other regions, and has a friendly domestic visit (C

Mask WordPress widget block editor mode and switch back to classic mode

After the WordPress editor supports Gutenberg, gadgets have also been upgraded to block editing mode: accustomed to classic mode gadgets, block mode gadgets are really a bit unaccustomed, so how to disable the WordPress widget block editor mode and switch back to classic mode? One

WordPress 6.6 will remove support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1

WordPress 6.6, which is scheduled to be released in July 2024, will eliminate support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1. The new minimum supported PHP version will be 7.2.24. The recommended PHP version is still 7.4 or higher. WordPress currently supports PHP 7.0 or higher, with the minimum support of

Is RackNerd really worth getting started with this old low-cost foreign VPS?

In order to facilitate the purchase of foreign hosts, VERKY and I will launch 1-2 issues of articles on the purchase of foreign servers and VPS every month. The articles contain some tests and introductions of our own, and we hope that they can provide some help to you when purchasing foreign hosts. 😄 This

WordPress 6.5 was released, which further enhanced the experience and greatly improved the performance

WordPress 6.5 was released during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, so I just released an updated article today. This version focuses more on the details of the website construction experience, such as the new website layout, the application revision function in more places, and the introduction of some breakthrough developer tools

WordPress 6.5 introduces new plug-in dependency headers to make plug-in dependency easier

We know that many plug-ins rely on other plug-ins. For example, all my plug-ins rely on # WPJAM Basic # plug-ins. Other plug-ins also have similar situations. Some plug-ins even build functions on top of other plug-ins purely as extensions of other plug-ins, so WordPress 6.5 introduces plug-in dependency

WPJAM "Page Module Plug in": One click modular decoration of WordPress pages

The WPJAM "Page Module" is the plug-in that we have developed for the longest time and released the latest. Because it is difficult and powerful, it can decorate the page in a one click modular way, especially suitable for the decoration design of enterprise themed pages. The modular decoration page, such as the front page of the following Modular theme, is the general decoration page

You don't need Element Pro to achieve the decoration effect, and the page opens in seconds. Have you seen such WordPress themes?

It has been two months since we created the "WordPress enterprise theme of deep customization and modular design". Today, we recommend some sites made by customers. Today, we recommend https://qeehuapump.net/ As usual, let's take a full screen shot of the home page: first introduce

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