

Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Console Add API Key Format Error

After several revisions of Oracle, the key format of the old version is not supported, which makes it impossible to add the key to the API key from the console. However, there are too many keys that are difficult to manage, so we don't want to regenerate them. After checking the following information, we can use the commands provided with Linux to convert them: root@oc-us :~/.oci # openssl rsa......

How to watch IPTV and share TV sources - watch CCTV, satellite TV, local TV and digital TV online

There are many collections on the Internet, but most of the channels have expired, so we have reorganized them based on this. The main sources are Fujian Mobile, Shaanxi Mobile, Heilongjiang Mobile, Mobile Magic Box, Guizhou Mobile, etc. Why are they all mobile? Mobile is generous, and the Internet can also be viewed directly (some need IPv6), hahaha, Unicom Telecom can almost always use LAN multicast

Realme, my mobile phone goes abroad for a lifetime

My mobile phone is real me GT neo5. Today, I accidentally found that going abroad would trigger the network lock in Xiaohongshu, so I contacted customer service to verify the situation and asked how to unlock it. The whole process really pissed me off. First of all, the customer service said that the phone would trigger the network lock whether it was inserted into an overseas card or used an overseas WIFI. You must contact them to unlock it. But you can't just leave the country