
Foreword For some personal reasons, I need a simple short URL service (or not called short URL, but fixed link would be better). Requirements are only for personal use, and can form a fixed link that can be modified. The storage quantity is controllable (extremely low), and there is no requirement for performance, concurrency, etc. At the same time, it should be as simple as possible, separate from the database, and minimize the demand for the environment. After a search, many ready-made wheels

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Update 2023-04-19 At present, I have added a reverse proxy in the node project, which can achieve a complete cloud deployment (after setting the config, deploy it to vercel with one click, and no unofficial external interface is introduced). Related projects have also been put on github. Although the code is relatively simple, the function is basically perfect. Foreword Recently one of my small servers hung up

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Foreword Now we use VMware virtual machine, and basically do not need to use virtual memory. No matter in terms of memory speed or solid state loss, it is unnecessary to use virtual memory files. The problem now is how to disable the virtual memory file. The content of this article comes from the Internet and is recorded here for query. The body uses VMWare virtual machine. After the virtual machine is started, a

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Foreword Because one of my water teachers used MOOC in the rain class to teach, and the scores of this part were finally included in the final grade proportionally. So I cooperated with my good friend to complete the project, but I encountered a little problem in the process of exchanging what I needed, and the exchange of answers was too complicated. How can you bear it! I spent some time to complete the following script to speed up knowledge sharing. Introduce the unit test of the rain class and derive the rain class test

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Preface The purpose of automatic sign in is not discussed. This article mainly excerpts relevant code and a little personal experience. The text of this article is intended for personal records. There are few excerpts from the detailed tutorial here. The main process is to open the TG API to install Python and Telethon (VPS, PC, soft routing, cloud functions, and Actions), but ensure that the network environment is normal. Or prepare your own agent.) Ready for automatic

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Update As of February 28, 2023, I have successfully joined from the wait list. At present, the experience is good! Foreword ChatGPT is very popular recently, but I haven't really experienced it. Most of the short experiences are not effective, and there is no sense of "epoch-making" online. I had a paper to write yesterday, so I thought about registering for a try. I chose email to register. In fact, I also registered through Microsoft

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Foreword I have previously recorded an OpenWRT experience of Fijian N1 box. It mentions some services running on it. Here is a brief record of the basic tutorials and related links of related services. After observation, it is found that if you do not redial for a long time, you will have problems such as network disconnection. Therefore, you need to set the script for automatic redial, which is usually set in the early morning and executed with crontab. ifup

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Foreword: I began to use Obsidian as my recording tool in September, 22. Before that, I used paper and pen to keep a diary, and I also used OneNote and Youdao Cloud Notes. With the change of environment and personal ideas, I began to turn to electronic records and tried the Obsidian. As a novice, whether Zhihu, various note taking software recommendation posts, or Ob

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