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 A thousand mile bright moon
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discourse power

(2024-05-22 09:08:59)

discourse power

Classification: gossip
          I saw an article on the public account, which said:

      Three pieces of heartfelt advice within the system: people who are poor cannot enter the public, and people who are low in position should not be persuaded. One of the potential little words said so.

      "In the workplace within the system, it is not difficult to find that some people become more Buddhist and less talkative as they grow older. Such people often take the initiative to marginalize themselves, reduce their sense of existence in the unit, and do not hear, ask, or say anything irrelevant to themselves. In fact, this is a wise and prudent way to protect themselves, because they know that they have no right to speak in the unit, and many words are meaningless, so they simply remain silent. As Luo Xiang, a law professor, said: People have a desire to express themselves, but they must restrain their desire to express themselves. Because the more they talk, the more they will expose their stupidity. Therefore, silence is a safe choice. Therefore, if you are just a powerless and powerless person, you'd better keep your mouth shut, do your own thing well, live a good life, shield all things irrelevant to you, and reduce unnecessary mental internal friction. If you are not satisfied with this situation, then try to climb up and fight for the right to speak in the crowd. "

    Seeing this passage, I can't help thinking that this logic is not only in the unit, but also in the family. If you don't have a certain economic foundation (savings), background (influential parents and relatives), and you don't have any outstanding ability, then you don't have any say in the family. In this state, unless you find a lover who can love you unconditionally, but this situation is mostly only found in novels (or rather fairy tales).

    If you don't have the strength, you should learn to shut up and give priority to the other party's wishes. Otherwise, most of what you say will be useless. If you are not reconciled, you must grow up, surpass the other party in some aspects, let the other party respect you and give way to you, so as to truly gain the right to speak.

    In short, there are gains and losses. If you want to gain, you have to work hard. There is no free lunch in the world. After all, most people are born without a golden key, and probably they are unlikely to be hit by the pie in the sky.


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