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Jochen 4 weeks ago
The core difficulty of what can really make you stronger is that you cannot return
Jochen 3 months ago
Don't argue, persuade or argue
Jochen 3 months ago
"The ultimate goal of life is to spend all your life romantically. Look at the sunset
Jochen 4 months ago
Lose humanity, lose a lot; Lose the beast, lose everything
Jochen 8 months ago
I don't believe that maturity can make us accept anything and become

Talking about heaven and earth What is photography? In the past six months, I have been exposed to photography and thought about the value of photography - (photography is to carve every part of life into fragments, as if to objectively present the images that should have been lost or embedded in the mind with light and shade, color, block surface, and the relationship between reality and emptiness. The secondary processing and adjustment of materials is the unity of subjective and objective) One also plays photography

Talking about heaven and earth The reason why I suddenly wanted to write this article is actually not just a whim. The reason is also quite simple. I suddenly thought of this sentence in the reminiscence with some old friends about a month ago, so it seems to have been brewing for a while. The last green leaf on the top of the tree near the dormitory window has changed to red. I think I can almost begin to describe it. I can't say for sure that many freshmen will have the same idea as the title. If we can continue to dig deeper and explore the essence behind it, we will certainly get more inspiration. I decided to start with two contradictions

To purchase a notebook, you need to consider the price, performance (processor+graphics computing graphics card+memory+hard disk+battery+screen+others), appearance (plastic, metal, mixed), etc Can I buy laptops in offline stores? Answer: No, you must choose from Taobao's official flagship store or JD's proprietary flagship store, unless you have "very good" acquaintances who can buy offline What specifications should the processor use? Answer: At present, the mainstream processors on the market are divided into Intel and AMD. It is better to choose Intel for laptops. At present, the mainstream processors are

Talking about heaven and earth Since the title of this article is "high-quality advertising in APP", let's talk about Internet advertising briefly first. Internet advertising refers to commercial advertising that directly or indirectly promotes goods or provides services through websites, web pages, Internet applications and other Internet media, in the form of text, pictures, audio, video or other forms. In this era where everyone can't live without intelligent electronic equipment, Internet advertising has undoubtedly become the best alternative to traditional advertising.   &nbs...

daily life When I passed by the window of this poster, two students happened to stop in front of the poster on their bicycles, which also formed such a composition in a flash. In the 70 year span of time and space, I saw generations of socialist builders, and also remembered the "two eight bars" bicycle that carried the classics for years: [the so-called "two eight bars" bicycle A bicycle is a bicycle whose wheels have a diameter of 28 inches. Because there is a straight bar in the middle of the bicycle frame, it is called the "28 bar" in Chinese. On

Talking about heaven and earth (The cover picture is from China Food Newspaper Network. com) With plastic packaging, you can cook directly. It takes only a few minutes to heat up, and the seemingly complex dishes can be served on the table - this is the cooking process after the preparation of dishes. Some people say that they can't accept prefabricated dishes. Just avoid the list of common prefabricated dishes such as minced meat, eggplant, shredded pork with fish sauce, and Kung Pao chicken in the restaurant. Is that really the case? With prefabrication

Talking about heaven and earth Author: yy Source: One volume of book every night (ID: JYXZ89896), please contact to delete if infringing. The first way to deal with things is to respond calmly and calmly. A student once asked Neil Ludengting, former president of Harvard, how can we become outstanding? Lu Dengting replied: "Listen to the words of excellent people.". At the beginning of the school season, we sorted out the speeches of five Harvard presidents. In their speeches, they told about their growth experiences and shared their unique life experiences. If you listen carefully, you will find that behind every president of Harvard, there is the rarest ability of ordinary people. If you are

Website sharing 📍 Two days ago, I had a whim to do a website navigation. It happened that there was a related program, so I built one, which has been able to run stably. Original intention: We live in the era of exponential development of the Internet. In theory, we should be able to obtain high-quality resources more easily through search engines and other ways. However, due to commercial competition, premium ranking and other reasons, Internet resources are actually in a semi monopoly state, The original intention of QCMoe navigation network is to provide ordinary people with a website navigation&browser home page that breaks the information barrier and is worth collecting for life. 🗂️ Function layout: navigation is divided into aggregate search

Toss diary The theme of the blog has a function, that is, you can enter your QQ number to get all the information needed for comments with one click, of course, not including the content of comments. However, there has been a small failure in this function recently. At present, it can only be speculated that this interface has an authentication function. Fortunately, there is an open interface that can be used normally No. has the following data portraitCallBack ({"QQ number": ["

Toss diary SMB (Server Message Block) service is a network file sharing protocol, which is usually used to realize file and resource sharing in the LAN. When you have a USB stick, a desktop computer A (Windows System) and a laptop computer B (Windows System), I now ask you to transfer the files in computer A to computer B, This article will talk about LAN based cross device files

Jochen admin
My heart follows my way for thousands of miles
lovely artist Jiangsu pretty boy quadratic element philosopher
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Don't bother so much. In fact, in ordinary times or most of them
1 week ago
Xiao Zhang
Good morning, noon and evening. Please change the link, Xia
2 weeks ago
The Art of Light
4 weeks ago
Bookmark Web
Resist prepared dishes and return Jiangxi stir fry
3 months ago
Photography makes an instant eternal.
4 months ago
@Xiao Hung: Yes, I
4 months ago
"If you want to take pictures of good people, you can't just take pictures of people. Another thing is to take pictures of trees
4 months ago
@AW: Haodi ٩ (• ̤ ̀ ᵕ • ̤ ๑) ᵒ ᵏ
4 months ago
fifty-five million two hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and forty-nine
Na~ 🌹
5 months ago
Hello - want to update the friend chain quq Yes "E
5 months ago