Congratulations to the Award Winners of The Open Group President’s Awards 2024

By Ash Patel – CDMP, Marketing Specialist, The Open Group

During The Open Group Edinburgh Summit in April 2024, Steve Nunn, President and CEO, The Open Group, proudly announced the winners of the President’s Awards.

This included Marc Lankhorst for ‘Most Valuable Contributor for an Individual’ and RTX (accepted by Rolf Siegers) for ‘Most Valuable Contribution as an Organization’.

Securing Vendor Relationships: The Crucial Role of Third-Party Audit

Guest submission by: Nazy Fouladirad, President and COO of Tevora, a global leading cybersecurity consultancy.

Many modern companies grow their operations by working with remote teams and cloud-based systems. However, as cybersecurity threats are growing and data protection laws are becoming more strict, data security, in particular with third-party entities, is of utmost importance.

Third-party audits verify vendor practices align with security and regulatory requirements to protect sensitive information. As businesses navigate their digital transformations, these audits strengthen vendor relationships while ensuring data integrity for everyone.

Toward a Standardized Security Reference Architecture for SMBs and Small Governments

By John Linford, Security Portfolio Forum Director, The Open Group & Michelle Horrobin, Digital Portfolio Director, The Open Group

As has become evident in recent years and even months, modern organizations offer new products which are, more and more, dependent on digital components, and need to be secure to avoid falling victim to increasingly sophisticated and increasingly frequent cyber attacks. On top of having organizational, internal reasons for improving their security posture, these organizations also must keep up with increasing scrutiny and compliance requirements from governments and regulatory agencies, as well as customers and partners. Consequently, not only might a successful cyber attack leave an organization unable to operate, but it might also result in media backlash and fines and judgements for breaches and violations for the organization.

Congratulations to the Outstanding Contribution Award Winners for The Open Group OSDU® Forum, Edinburgh, April 2024

By Ash Patel – CDMP, Marketing Specialist, The Open Group

During The Open Group Edinburgh Summit in April 2024, Patrick Kelly, Product Line Manager Subsurface Data & Insights, Chevron, and Jane McConnell, Spinning Yarns, The Open Group OSDU® Forum Vice Chair, along with Dennis Stevens, OSDU Forum Program Director, The Open Group, proudly announced the winners of The Open Group OSDU Forum Awards. The awards were hosted by Daniel Bachmann, ExxonMobil.

Ecosystems Architecture: New Thinking for Practitioners in the Age of AI Part 1: Where It All Began

By Ash Patel, Marketing Specialist, The Open Group

Recently we sat down with some of the authors of the game changing book titled ‘Ecosystems Architecture: New Thinking for Practitioners in the Age of AI’, to discuss the conception of the book and where it all began. The full interview can be found below involving Paul Homan and Rahul talking in depth about the beginnings of the book, as co-authors along with Phil Tetlow and Neal Fishman, of the Ecosystems Architecture: New Thinking for Practitioners in the Age of AI book.

The Open Group Summit – Events Highlights Ecosystems Architecture & AI Standards, Edinburgh, UK, April 22-25, 2024

By Ash Patel, Marketing Specialist, The Open Group

The recent Summit of The Open Group in Edinburgh featured a vast variety of leading subject matter experts, keynote speakers, Forum Members, Work Groups, and Consortia, who came together to start a conversation involving the following themes: Ecosystems Architecture & AI Standards, Sustainability / Enterprise Architecture / Digital Transformation, and much more. There were over 425 attendees from 30 countries!

Celebrating 15 Years of the ArchiMate® Modeling Language: A Milestone in Enterprise Architecture

By Kelly Canon, ArchiMate® Forum Director, The Open Group, with contributions from Andrew Josey, VP, Standards & Certification, The Open Group

Originally developed in the period 2002-2004 by a group of organizations and institutions in the Netherlands led by the Telematica Instituut, the ArchiMate® Modeling Language was created for Enterprise Architects by Enterprise Architects with the goal of a common language for modeling an enterprise.

Value-Based Architecture for Healthcare

The Open Group® Healthcare Forum is now working on a Snapshot of what is intended to become its Value-Based Architecture  or O-VBA for Healthcare standard.  The standard will offer Enterprise Architects working in healthcare delivery settings a reusable, extensible, and scalable tool for continuously improving the value and efficiency of patient-centered care.  It will apply to all medical specialties and clinical ecosystems.   Architects will be able to use the O-VBA for Healthcare standard to help create and sustain value-based healthcare systems.  

Improving Return on Security Investment: Threat Modeling and The Open Group Open FAIR™ Risk Analysis as a KPI for Agile Projects

The first three posts of this series have laid plain the need to supplement ongoing threat modeling activities with quantitative risk analysis, such as the process described in The Open Group Open FAIR™ Body of Knowledge. They’ve briefly discussed a way to incorporate Open FAIR Risk Analysis in the threat modeling process and illustrate how the results would improve return on security investment by deliberately selecting cost-effective combinations of controls. But questions remain:

Art of Abstraction for Enterprise Architects: Inspired by Pablo Picasso’s ‘The Bull’

By Rajen Patel, Enterprise Architect, SAP. “See the essence under the dust of complexity.”

One might not instantly connect the realms of abstract art and Enterprise Architecture, but Picasso’s approach to abstraction presents a powerful model for simplifying and focusing on complex business structures.

Improving Return on Security Investment: Estimating the Impact of Mitigations

By Simone Curzi, Principal Consultant, Microsoft; John Linford, Security Portfolio Forum Director, The Open Group; Dan Riley, Vice President & Distinguished Engineer Data Science, Kyndryl; Ken St. Cyr, Sr. Cybersecurity Architect, Microsoft

Understanding the risks present in the system you are developing is important, but it is even more important to determine mitigation actions. Activities like threat modeling can help with identifying your options, but they are usually too numerous and too expensive. What should you really do? And would the residual risk be acceptable afterwards?

Improving Return on Security Investment: Evaluating the Current Risk

By Simone Curzi, Principal Consultant, Microsoft; John Linford, Security Portfolio Forum Director, The Open Group; Dan Riley, Vice President & Distinguished Engineer, Data Science, Kyndryl; Ken St. Cyr, Sr. Cybersecurity Architect, Microsoft

Threat Modeling and Open FAIR™ Standard, a standard of The Open Group, can answer some of the most important questions we have currently on Security. With this second blog in the ‘Improving Return on Security Investment’ series, we try to answer one of those key questions: “How much security is enough?”

The Open Group Portfolio of Digital Open Standards: Navigating Your Digital Landscape

By Sonia Gonzalez , Digital Manager, Portfolio of Digital Open Standards, The Open Group

According to MIT Sloan and Capgemini, 90% of CEOs believe the digital economy will impact their industry, but less than 15% are executing on a digital strategy.

Digital transformation has become essential for businesses to remain competitive in today’s changing market and technological landscape. In recent years, there has been a rapid transformation in the business world, as many companies are adopting new technologies to streamline their operations.

Improving Return on Security Investment: Threat Modeling & Open FAIR™ Risk Analysis

For most, Security is a cost. Therefore, it is important to get just the right amount of it, and no more. But how do you decide when you have enough Security, and what do you do to get it? That’s an entirely different matter. This is the first post of a series on how to Improve the Return on your Security Investment with Threat Modeling and Open FAIR.

The Open Group Ecosystem Architecture Annual Conference & APAC Awards Ceremony Grand Opening

On January 8th, The Open Group Ecosystem Architecture Annual Conference and APAC Awards Ceremony kicked off in Shanghai! The event included a keynote speech, awards ceremony, and the pre-order of the Chinese version of TOGAF® standard, 10th Edition activities.

The Open Group Virtual Event Highlights – January 29-31, 2024

The Open Group hosted its latest virtual event January 29-31, 2024. Across three days, the event addressed three different, vital topics, bringing together leading speakers and a global audience for a series of sessions which enlightened, inspired, and motivated us about the leading edge of enterprise technology thinking.

Is Your Business Prepared for a Cybersecurity Reality Check?

By Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO at Delinea.

Knowing how to navigate the growing risks of cyberattacks is crucial for businesses regardless of their industry. In reality, many companies fall short in their cybersecurity ap

The Open Group 2023 Highlights, Including a Glance into 2024

By Steve Nunn, President & CEO, The Open Group.

Happy New Year! I hope that, wherever you are reading this, 2024 has started well for you and yours.

I believe that 2024 will be another busy and significant year for The Open Group, as was 2023. So much happened last year that I thought that I would take the opportunity to look back at some of the highlights, and add a few peeks into this coming year.

Step Into a Career in Data Science

By Dan Riley, Distinguished Engineer & Vice President, Data Science, Kyndryl

November 2022’s post, “The Fully Credentialed Data Science Professional”, recommended a combination of credentials toward which data scientists and related professionals should work. However, as the well-known Chinese proverb roughly says, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” The Open Group is adding a clear starting point for students, trainees, and career changers to begin their professional data science journeys.

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